Moshi Moshi MusHi! profile picture

Moshi Moshi MusHi!

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About Me

I know u ain't gonna read this shit.. but wat da heck, here goes..
Well first of all, the first thing u should know bout me is that I ALREADY HAD A GIRLFRIEND, AND WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED SOON. SO STOP FLIRT WITH ME!! , annnnnnd.. on the other things i admire so much with chocolate (i mean it!), just give me any chocolate and i'm going to eat it like a hungry giant T-Rex and will finish it in no time! i'm also like Anime, Urban arts, Gigs & Concert, Needing lots and lots of money to pay my hutang, When the word weekends.. means i'm not at home, Party real hard, Computer & Video Games worshipper.
U can say i'm a little bit nerd, Jazz(smooth..), Crazy on all games consoles, Digital & Video Cam, Tech gadget, Modified cars, Sci-Fi movies, Cosplay, Chocolate Ice-cream (oso in chocolate category), Cheeseeee!!! Sk8 punk fashion, My shoe size 12 and that mean sucks when u live in Malaysia, Emo hairstyle(That won't happen cause i've already work at office), Action model figures(Actually i'm a little scared of buying it cause its too damn expensive), Rock metal arghhh wenggg krengggg ngeeeee magazine, Poster (especially the ehem ehem la), Supermassive internet freako, Sleep and wake up in the afternoon (jarang cause i'm a gud boy now).
I like to eat Nasi Lemak & Nasi Goreng(Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!), Roti or sum say Bread, Chocolate ice drinks, Pepsi, PC & Laptop, All kind of fucking rock music, Big fan of motherfucking Muse, Totally a freaks on download (and its getting worse everytime), Anarchy knowledge, ASTRO is a killer thing, My gurl Hayiza or Azie (Muahsss.. lap u honey!), Scary american goverment conspiracy, Hard hitting extreme games.
My gurlfren say that i've become boyot! i dun trust her, maybe there's an insect go into her eyes. huhuhu.. Dun mess wit me cause i can make ur life miserable after that, Not a universal music listener type of guy cause i'm a pure rocker, Simple? i saw everyone in MySpace saying that they are simple kind of person. Fuck! i'm not simple!! i'm a complicated and can make people confuse and kill itself! don't believe?! come meet me la.. Schon gut!

1. Taugeh!
2. People who always complain
3. Show-Off
4. Gooks or Immigrants
5. A super duper stoopid person
6. Smelly, Disgusting and Gross thing
7. Snake & Leech
8. People whose a fucking liar & always excuse & backstabber & late!
9. Direct Selling or Multi Level Marketing
10. Malay condemn its own Malay (the best part is, they even don't fucking realize they actually fucking doing it!). And these bastard kept saying that they are actually helping the community. duhhhhhhhh!! Fucking bastard..

That was just 10 i listed, there are other more.. like i hate my school teacher whose had a mustache like Saddam and a hair like Donald Trump and was thinking he's hot like the guy from the show Beverly Hills 90210 tv series and a conductor bus that telling a story to me on how to be a wise man and forgetting that i was too damn smart-ass than him.
Yeap! once again.. i've already update my profile and adding some widget on it. u can see that i've already added MySpace profile tracker from Mod My Profile and Live WinAmp Tracker. Also i already had put announcement on my latest project. Take note on that u web maniac! haha.. Cheers!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Get feed from my MySpace blog
One time for your mind, two times for your soul three for the graveyard and the money I fold. Dimmed out in the city where the sun burns slow, no hope it's a pity I can't say no. It's not my time to go, it's not my time to die, the last thing I wants for my mother to cry It was love at first light, since the very first night, things have never been the same since I took my first flight.

The way I live my life, I love; I live lavish, lost me from the start. You lose, you'll never have it! Untouched, unleashed, back up you don't want it. Stick him for the cash. It's back, now he's fronting. Take two pass, I'll take to blast. Bust a motherfucker; I'm out on the flash. Pimped out, high as fuck. I'm out of control.

Let's bounce, rock, skate, Man I'm ready to roll.

Taken from Rancid , album Indestructible , songs ' Red Hot Moon ' Warner Bros. Records 2003

Great website u guys should go:-
Eisham Stumbleupon
Malaysia Broadband Sucks
Making Malaysia Website More Standard
A Huge Collection of Game Trailers (only for gamers)
Reopen 911 Conspiracy
The Truth About Malaysian Prepaid 01
The Truth About Malaysian Prepaid 02
The Best Hot News Are Here
HypeCapsule WordPress

This page was designed purely for Firefox browser, so if u see something's funny going on and thought that i was such a total dickhead. Please change ur thought immedietly, or i will slap u real bad that could turn Elvis whining like a gay and leave the building. Firefox is much cooler and safer than Internet Explorer . Bare that in mind..


Currently i'm on a project code name: Leypark, so if there's anybody out there that willing to participate in this project please send me a message to tell me.

Leypark is a website that focus on Social Network like MySpace here, we want to create a whole new idea about Social Network website that gathers pros from Digg , , Flickr , Bebo , YouTube , Friendster , Facebook , Blogger , TagWorld and lastly would be definitely MySpace .

We need a web programmer on CSS , XML , JavaScript , Coldfusion , AJAX , HTML and using Oracle 10g , MySQL database. And of course graphic plays a major roll in website development, so we need people who have knowledge on Adobe Photoshop , Flash . It doesn't matter! as long as u guys have one of the skills that we wanted just give me a message. We accepting people at West Malaysian to take this challenge. Because it would be easier for us to meet up later, peoples from others place also can participate and must show us your willingness in take part.

We planning to create it on this 2007 and finish by the end of the year. So, what are you waiting for. This is your opportunities to test your skills. And who knows maybe someday the project will success and we can all have a great moment with the money on the beach sitting and drink cold orange juice while looking at the girls. Hahahaha!!

On the other news, i'm also on the project to create blog. It will mainly focus on entertainment stuff, more like GempakStarz + Stuff magazine put it online and make it absolutely free to visit at anytime!! and its called: HypeCapsule.

we will create as many people visit to this website and also generate money from it by finding sponsors that can helping us raising fund to maintain the website.

At first i was thinking to use Drupal as my tool, but because of the installation are so damn hard that makes me look stupid. Guess i've decided to change my plan tu use WordPress back, its so friendly and many people love it and use it. Estimated time to finish will be in 3 or 4 months from now. Any progress will be post in this profile. Only time will tell..

The project to do web portal for ROTTWAILERS was failed! but the project will still on, and this time we do our own! yeah! OUR OWN GODDAMNIT!! haha.. we will make this web project as SICK as possible. still with the 6 type of web tools but this time there will be additional 2 more into it! i will tell u later..

Blog | Wikipedia | Forum | MySpace | YouTube | Ebay

The Web blog will be develop using WordPress Blog system. It will mainly focus on article, bands material, gig flyers, video blog and any news about independent world. We will be needing contributor on inserting data into it. And we will needed users to make it happen.

Encyclopedia information style on the band, music knowledge and any event that's been held. There's also have discussion page where users can modify or correcting the data. Also needing as many contributors as can.

Giving opportunity to readers and music lovers to discuss or debate about some issues with other users and from our Medley staff.

The profile had already exist and active, just to make it more interesting and make it update all the time.

We will create an account here to upload videos on the bands performance, gigs, concert and even a Medley video.

Ebay is the most biggest internet auction in the world, and we will take this service to sell bands music material, independent clothing lines and helping stores to sell their products from music instrument to fashion.

Just wait for all this coming, this Medley web project will be name as Medley Web Soldiers. Its gonna rock your bandwith!!


Warning! Flash and music comment will not be accepted

Sham is so hot!!


My top 11 favourite song playlist:-

1. Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots
2. Don't Take It Away - Kluk Kluk Adventure
3. Loser Lullaby - Lucy In The Loo
4. Making Enemy - Lied
5. Liberator - Force Vomit
6. Faith - Seven Collar T-Shirt
7. Stockholm Syndrome - Muse
8. Paranoid Android - Radiohead
9. Champagne Supernova - Oasis
10. Warning - Incubus
11. Vision Of Division - The Strokes

Why 11?! i dunno, i could put 100 lists of my faveret songs if i want to.. but i think 11 should be enoughla. By the way, my 11 playlist come out on Junk Mag. Haha! still want more? u crazy! u think this is MTV top 100 ka?! to hell wit u!

Others bands also include:- Rancid, The Ramones, The Strokes, Muse, Deftones, Slipknot, Rage Against The Machine, Sum 41, The Vines, The White Stripes, Soulfly, Green Day, Nirvana, Metallica, Silverchair, Foo Fighters, My Chemical Romance, Blur, Stone Temple Pilots, Queen Of The Stone Age, Oasis, Incubus, Weezer, Radiohead, Force Vomit, Futon, Lied, Mocca, Lucy In The Loo, Kluk Kluk Adventure, Love Me Butch, One Buck Short, Y2K, The Official, B-Quartet, Plague Of Happiness, Sil Khannaz, Koffin Kanser, Cassandra, Langsuyr, As-Sahar, Seven Collar T-Shirt, Butterfingers, Jason Lo (dedicated on what he has done) n more Malaysia independent bands.. I don't like mainstream music


Action, Comedy N Science fiction type of story


MTV, Comedy Central, G4TV, Channel V, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Discovery: Travel and Living


Things about local independent music, Comic books, IT, Gadget, Technology n Video and Computer Games related

My Blog

Hati-hati dengan mubaligh Kristian ini..

Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:28:00 PST

Hati-hati buka cincin

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................... ..
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:23:00 PST

The man in history to ever walk on water!

Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:11:00 PST

Manusia Dalam Keadaan Bermacam - macam Rupa di Padang Mahsyar.

i think i'm one of them..1. Sesetengah mereka ada yang berupa kera kerana di dunia mereka suka membuat fitnah kepada orang lain. 2. Ada yang berupa khinzir kerana suka makan rasuah ketika menjalank...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:40:00 PST

Jangan kencing berdiri..

masalahnya aku dah biasa ngan diri.. huhuhuhuuu..Ada satu kitab menyatakan bahawa syaitan itu juga sering mengalami sakit-sakit dan patah riuk kaki dan tangannya.Walaupun seteruk mana pun penyakit...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:36:00 PST

Personaliti Dan Binatang Dedah Rahsia Diri

Although i'm a non-believer such thing on this, but they do a great job of predicting how my personality actually.. hint: monkey ..> Januari 01-09 ~ Anjing Januari 10-24 ~ Tikus Januari 25-31 ~ Si...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 11:28:00 PST

Telekom Malaysia Tak Boleh Pakai!

Walaupun artikel ini adalah artikel bertarikh 2 oktober 2006, tapi isi kandungan artikel blog ini btol22 menarik.. enjoy! Kali ini saya ingin bercakap tentang teknologi walaupun sepatutnya di bulan...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:35:00 PST

What Chinese Thinks Of Malays

some of it are not true at all, but others i dh lama tau n agak..01. You MALAY call each other 'BODOH' for fun, and too 'BODOH' to realize it's an offensive word. 02. You're the LAZIEST person on G...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:53:00 PST

Read this for a while..

muhasabahkan idup anda..Original message from zool: > Di dalam hidup manusia, yang penting > ialah BERKAT. > > > > > > Bila hidup kita berkat, > diri ini akan selamat. > > > > > > Apabila diri sela...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 06:46:00 PST

Bekas Ahli Neraka

   semoga aku ditempatkan dikalangan orang yg beriman..Hadith : Dari Anas bin Malik r.a, dari nabi s.a.w baginda bersabda:" Keluar satu kaum dari neraka sedangkan kulit mereka telah hitam kerananya. M...
Posted by MusHi HaYuZa: Anatawa Kirides! on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:53:00 PST