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About Me

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Borat was born on July 30, 1972 in Kuçzek, Kazakhstan. He is the son of Asimbala Sagdiyev and Boltok the Rapist, who is also his maternal grandfather. He is also the former husband of Oksana Sagdiyeva, who was the daughter of Mariam Tuyakbay and Boltok the Rapist. His relationship with his mother seems to be unpleasant, and Borat has commented that "she wishes she was raped by another man." "She never hugged me," "she wished I was never born," "she doesn't love me" are some further comments Borat makes concerning his mother (though while being drunk).
Borat has a sister named Natalya, regarded as the fourth-best prostitute in Kazakhstan (and best sex-in-mouth), with whom he often fornicates, thus making him incestuous. He also has a younger brother named Bilo, who is mentally retarded and must be kept locked behind a metal door or in a cage. Bilo also has a pouch where he stores all the porno he looks at inside. In an interview, Borat said, "My brother Bilo has a small head but very strong arms. He have 204 teeth (193 in mouth 11 in nose)! You can do anything to him - he do not remember nothing! He is a sex crazy ... all day long he in his cage look on porno & rub rub rub!"
He has been married several times, once to his half-sister's plough. He is raw. His first wife was Oksana Sagdiyeva, another half-sister. She was "violated" (raped) and killed by a bear, while accompanying her brother-in-law Bilo on a walk in the forest (though, in the third episode of season 2, he states that she was killed by a hunter who thought she was a bear). Borat was largely unaffected by this event and even celebrated it, as he was able to buy a new wife who he claimed was not boring. He maintains extramarital relations with a girlfriend, a mistress, and at least one prostitute.
His wife died in 2002. He has a Gypsy boy named Vassilli who trims his moustache and wipes his anus.
He has three children: 12-year-old Bilak, 12 year-old Biram (whose mother is Borat's sister, Natalya), and 13 year-old Hooeylewis (his favorite child); and 17 grandchildren.
Borat brought Hooeylewis, his wife and his child to England in an attempt to sell the child to "transvestite singer Madonna".

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Politically, Borat has a great admiration for Joseph Stalin, whom he describes as both "strong" and "powerful". He believes politicians should be like him and have large "khram". (Russian: ????, literally "temple," but intended to mean "testicles"). In the campaign for James Broadwater, he told the constituents how James would crush his opponents and take power, whether people vote for him or not. This, in fact, would make him to be powerful like Stalin and the voters, who did not vote for him, would be sorry.
Sacha Baron Cohen is himself Jewish and says that he uses the Borat character to expose anti-Semitism and racism. Sacha Baron Cohen overwhelmes us with irony in the film as he slanders Jews, when in fact he himself is a Jew. By having Borat make anti-Semitic and racist statements, Baron Cohen claims to be able to show people's favourable reaction and thereby expose anti-Semitic/racist sentiment in society. For example, he was hunting and asked in an interview if it was legal to shoot Jews, to which his host replied that he would have no problem with that although others would. Sometimes people are repulsed by his anti-Semitism. At a dog pound he asked his host if he could test if a dog was trained. He had the interviewee place a finger on each side of her head (like a horn) and say Shalom, then he told the dog: "Attack! Attack the Jew." When asking if he could train the dog to sniff out Jews, she replied saying, "Jews are Jesus's children. She probably loves Jews." Also, while taking a self-defense class, Borat asked the instructor to teach him how to defend against the "Jew Claw" (in all fairness, the instructor made it very clear that one should respect the beliefs of others; he didn't believe the "claw" to be literal), and then he made a claw with his hand and had the instructor defend himself against it.
Borat is also known for his animosity toward Uzbekistan. He has been known to talk about the fictional 'Tishniek' massacre, including during his 'Soul Motion' Dance class where he depicted the massacre and proceeded to explain how many Uzbeks were "crushed" on that day. He later told how he was "very proud" of the massacre and said it was not sad because "it is us who do the kill." In a recent press interview (which attracted more reporters than one given by the actual Kazakhstan ambassador held at the same time) Borat threatened his country would "commence bombardment" of Uzbekistan cities with catapults if their anti-Kazakhstan propaganda did not cease. He also claimed that while he was studying "English, journalism, and plague research" to have "Made two new ones that killed over five million goats in Uzbekistan."
He also asked the Oklahoma City Traffic Commission to stand in silence for ten minutes to commemorate the 14th anniversary of the massacre, but only got about a minute and a half. In the meeting, which was broadcast live on local TV, he thanked them for letting him join the meeting and then asked to give "short speech" which lasted 17 minutes. The speech covered traffic and American democracy. He made several comments that dumbfounded the commission, including how the only women allowed into government buildings in Kazakhstan are prostitutes.Audio of news coverage
He was shocked to discover that American women have the right to vote, while horses do not, whereas in Kazakhstan, the opposite holds true. On said discovery, he recited the "chain of importance" — "God, man, horse, dog, woman, then rat, then small krutzouli(to which he makes a gesture implying he meant bugs)" — to a female voter. When looking for a home in the US, Borat stated that his wife was afraid of "men with chocolate face," referring to Black people.
Borat's interviews carry no homoerotic undertones, as Borat always demonstrates disdain and aversion towards homosexuality. In the Borat-moviefilm, for instance, when he learns that the "Gay pride" participants with whom he was interacting were in fact homosexual, he is shocked. Interviews can involve discussion of "khram" or the sexual preferences of the interviewee or other celebrities, such as Freddie Mercury. Borat enjoys touching and holding men, but he does not always behave the same way toward women. Often he will kiss men on the cheek (and occasionally the lips) but when approached by a woman he will shy away or merely offer a handshake, an example of this being his report on Henley Royal Regatta where he kisses all the male members of a winning crew but not their female coxswain. This probably reflects a cultural practice common to many Islamic countries, where men embrace each other and even kiss one another on the cheek, but women are politely ignored.

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Borat used to have a pet pig, Igor, whom he claims to have loved, although he and his family eventually did eat it, including the eyes. He apparently also had a horse at some point.
He also has a small horse in his home, called Pavel, which he keeps in his bedroom out of fear that the neighbourhood criminal, Johnny Breenski, will eat him.
In the movie, he acquires a bear for self-protection (which he named Szvetlana) because the gun shop owner would not sell him a gold plated Desert Eagle. Azamat tells him the bear ran away, but when Azamat opens a motel fridge a decapitated bear head is clearly seen.

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Borat attended the Astana University, where he studied English, journalism, and plague research (and created 3 new plagues that were launched on Uzbekistan).

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Borat is a reporter. He has had many jobs ranging from ice maker to animal sperm retriever (he claims that rumours of a connection between these jobs are unfounded). He also claims to have previously worked as a Gypsy catcher, boasting that he can "hit a gypsy with a rock from 15 meters away if chained — 10 if not." He also professed to have worked as a computer technician, saying that he was the one who would remove dead birds from the computer's pipes.
He also claims that he can carry a woman against her will and has done so, once carrying his future wife for 1,600 meters (one mile).
Borat claims to have the tightest anus of his village, tight enough to open a bottle of Pepsi.
On Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, Borat claims his khram is "thick like a can of Pepsi".

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Borat's hobbies are making "sexy-time", ping pong, disco dancing, sunbathing (while wearing a green "slingshot" thong), shooting dogs, spitting, sitting on comfortable chairs, taking pictures of women while they "make-a toilet," jumping on the trampoline, and drinking traditional wine made from "fermented horse urine."

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In addition to being a sexist and a homophobe, Borat is prejudiced against Jews, Uzbeks, and Gypsies. Borat has said that he once suffered a "very bad Gypsy attack," in which his wife Oksana Sagdiyev's plough was stolen, and "they touch my horse in very bad way; it get depressed for very long time." He does not appear to have a prejudice against black people, though claimed that one of his wives did, and he calls black people "chocolate faces". He later married a black prostitute.

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Borat has had many diseases including gonorrhoea, syphilis, and herpes which he caught from his sister.

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In the film, Borat discloses that as a Kazakh he "follows the hawk." This may be a reference to the present flag of Kazakhstan which depicts a golden steppe eagle flying under a golden sun on a blue background. Ghengis Khan flew a blue flag with an eagle when he ruled Kazakhstan. Alternatively, this may be the reference to al-Haqq - "the truth" in Arabic. In Hebrew, Hoq (???) is a Divinely-ordained Law that is above reason. However, during the course of the film he visits a Pentecostal service, and at the end of the film, while back in his village declares that he and, ostensibly, the rest of his village are now Christians.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want meet nice western girlies for chitchat and sexytime - preference lady with yellow hairs, with plough experience and little or no history of retardation in family. I would like to meet you and make romance inside you.
If you agree be my wife then you will come my country, I will give you television with remote control, a red dress, two strong shoes, I will love you and care for you, we will be as one... but if u cheat on me I will crush you!
Also I like meet nice men, as friend - no sexytime.

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Music – I am fan of Korki Butchek and popstar Billy Sexcrime. I like children’s song, ‘Throw The Jew Down The Well' - I sing this in US and A for my television. People they like very much.

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I like also song of C&C Music Manufacturing Plant 'Everybody Dancing Now'.


My favourites movies is 'Pluto Nash'. 'Robot cop'. 'Womanman Doubtfire', 'Little Lord Fontelroy', 'Almaty Summer' starring Viktor Hotelier [he my goodfriend ladies!], and of course, Transsibirskiy Ekspress.
Also 'The Bridges of Madison County' 'Titanic'. 'Geraid Mcguire'. 'Robinhood Prince of Thieves'. I also like watch porno


Detective 'Locust'. I like television - Dallas - in 5 week we will know who shot JR! I think it was Sue Helen. I report for Da Ali G shows. I also like popular show 'Gypsy Bingo' on Kazakhstan Television 2. My favorites telvisoin star is Jonny the Monkey he can ride motorcycle and smoke cigarettes!


My heroes is Premier Nazharbayev, Herojohn Wayne, Boris Andreyev. Genghis Khan, Vidal Sasson, Makhambet Utemisov, Vsevolod Safanov, American football hero OJ Simpsons, Evel Knevel and superstar with muscular physique Jean Claude Van Dame and obviously 'Walter'.

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