Cardinals baseball, travel, exploring wherever I find myself, words and ideas, racing, the sun and water, history, throwing darts (old school cork board's the bomb!), finding that sign that says "massage therapy here"
John F. Kennedy, CS Lewis, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe- when it's my time to go! Marilyn fascinates me- I was born the day she died.
Stuff You Might- or Might Not- Wanna Know
Full Name Sherri DiAnne
Nicknames Sis, Aunt Sissie
The last text message you recieved? From who? Are yall coming? from Bethany
What was your reply? Dont know yet
A food you can never refuse Anything from Taco Sombrero
A food you cannot eat- at all Raw onions
Where are your 3 favorite places on earth? Busch Stadium, New York City, the beach
If you could spend one day with anyone- living or not- who would it be and why? My Mom- because I miss her
Something you are good at that might surprise people? Remembering totally random useless information
Your all-time favorite movie? Gone with the Wind
Is there someone you will always think of as "the one who got away"? Who? Nope- because if I was meant to be with them, I would be
Name the last 3 people who made you smile. Dee, Courtney, Bub
If you were on a highjacked plane and could only make one phone call, who would it be to? My daughter- cause she'd answer and get my son on 3-way
What was the scariest moment of your life? Not hearing from my son for several days after Hurricane Katrina
What day has made you saddest? Feb 22, 2006- the day my Mom died
How many states/countries have you lived in? 8 states
What was the last sporting event you attended? STL Cardinals baseball game, of course
Most important about the physical side of a romantic relationship? Kissing, definitely
How did you meet the number 1 person on your friends list? I gave birth to him....
Something you enjoy that might surprise people? Dirt track racing
Are you usually the heart breaker or the one who gets their heart broken? I try to avoid both
If you could leave today to go anywhere in the world for a two week vacation for 4 (money no object) where would you go and who would you take with you? Jamaica- my son Dave, my daughter Bethany and my friend Cheryl
How do you want to die? Satisfied!
Name the 3 people who have had the most influence on your life. My Mom, my Aunt Pris and Mrs Rhett, who taught me to love words in the 2nd grade
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Classic Rock and Oldies (Fleetwood Mac, the Beatles, ZZ Top, Heart, Aerosmith, Elvis, Bryan Adams); 80's rock (Poison, Lita Ford, Bon Jovi, Van Halen) some country (Little Big Town, Chris Young); Contemporary Rock and Alternative (Marc Broussard, Shaw-Blades, Pat Monahan, Rob Thomas) even some show tunes. Just don't play me a polka, opera or rap and I'll be fine.
"The Lake House" absolutely took my breath away. (NOTE TO DBA: I swear the first time I ever saw it was December 15, 2007!! ) Gone with the Wind; Pay It Forward; Rocky (the original); The Man in the Moon; classic black and white stuff from the 40s and 50s
Nip/Tuck; 48 Hours; The Closer; Hell's Kitchen; several reality shows; and I can always watch The Andy Griffith Show when there's nothing else on....
James Patterson, CS Lewis, William Faulkner, Stephen King, Greg Iles. Really, I'm a "word girl" and I'll read ANYTHING except a romance novel or a tabloid.
My Mom, who lost her battle with pancreatic cancer in February 2006, and my Aunt Pricilla who has become "Mom" to us all since we lost her.