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Run Forest Run

About Me

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My Interests

Goal I Would Like To Achieve Tihs Yaer : Rieding A Horse With No Name On A Desert Moon :)

I'd like to meet:

A Sweet Jewish Girl :)


Classic Rock ,Trance, Ambient. Alternative


I like fuuny movies my favorite movie of all time is "The Big Lebowski" the dude that The chinaman peed on his rug that" really tied the room together". My other movies are "Borat" because i k'now borat parsonley he was my neighbor in Jewtown 3 mile north of Kuzcek capital city of kazakhstan. Forest Gump,Napolean Dynamite,Dodge Ball,Old School, The Mystery Man,Ladykillers,platon ,Black Hwak Down, Cheech & Chong Up In Smoke,SAVING PRIVATE RYAN ,


Never Haerd Of It


The Blind Sniper ,How To Fish A Gefiltefish,Letters From The Sun,


My Heroe Major ROY KLEIN Commanding Officer Of The ISRAEL DEFENCE FORCES Elite Unit " SAYERET EGOZ" During the battle In Lebanon he noticed A GRENADE rolling toward him and his troops. Most of us would have simply yelled "get down", and hit the ground, but Roy knew that time was critical. He GRABBED The GRENADE And WARPPED HIMSELF Around It, So That The majority of the blast was absorbed by his body. His troops were unhurt. They told that as he threw himself down he shouted "SHEMA YISRAEL". MAJOR ROY KLEIN SACRIFRCE HIS LIFE TO SAVE OTHERS. MAJOR ROY KLEIN became a SYMBOL FOR HEROISM in Israel. A new school in Netanya will be named after him. And All The Man And Woman Of The IDF Who Gave Their Life To Save Our Homeland . Rest In Peace My Brothers In Arms. We Will Never Forget You.