Travel, Grandkids, Family, Meeting new People.Walking,Swimming,anything to keep me moving.I love animals..Finding my way through Life With some Meaning..
adopt your own virtual pet!
Someone who could tell me the meaning of life...Also I would Love to meet some of myspace know that they are the Best!!!!
Old Tarzan movies,Shinning,History of Vilolence, War of the Worlds.A Wedding Date..Sum of All Fears...
Grey's Anatomy, Law and Order SVU American Idol, Today Show, Medium, And of course, ...My Fav. "Men in Trees" I use to love "LOST" but like alot of other good shows it has gotten so far fetched I don't understand it...I think they have run out of things...
Native American History, Mysteries, Civil War, Cosmo.I collect old books.Some of my first editions ..Tarzan and the Golden Lion..I also love childerns's books and someday hope to write a series about a cat..
All the brave people in the Armed Forces,Police Officers who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.And the tireless Firefighters, My Grandfather And My Mother-in-Law My Grandchildren, And My wonderful children for making my life worth while.May God bless you all.Donnie,no matter what,you will always be my HERO....