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The highly anticipated internet radio station "Ice Waves" has finally landed and is making its mark around the world! Broadcasting 24/7 critics say that this is going to to take the world by storm! Still in its building stages as it was founded by Almando Johnson in august 06! Ice waves has a good collective of djs and host of all nationalities who all have good unique shows. Ice waves attracts new listeners every day internationly and locally! Here at Ice Waves,we aim to please you the listener and strive for prefection!! So keep it locked and enjoyDo you have what it takes to be a Ice Wave Dj/Presenter?If you think you got what it takes to be one then email [email protected] and include what music you play and what time you would like......If you would like to view the studio cam and your not already on the msn, add [email protected] to your msn and request the cam!!!Pop Ur Collar (Music Video) - Taz & MLAdd to My Profile | More Videos