Confession Campaign profile picture

Confession Campaign


About Me

Hello name is Larry and I'm a born-again, spirit filled, bible totin' Jesus freak. At first, I wanted to remain anonymous and work behind the scenes, but I've been getting to know some of the people supporting this ministry and I want people to get to know me. We as believers are all a part of the body of Christ. I did not start this for me, it got started because of a fire that God has put in me, and that fire is spreading. This site is NOT a response to the blasphemy challenge. The people that are making these Holy Spirit denial videos are not our enemies, Brian Flemming and Brian Sapient, founders of this "challenge", are not our enemies. As a matter of fact, Mr. Flemming and Mr. Sapient are not the founders of the challenge, satan is. The blasphemy challenge is a fad. When it runs its course, satan will come up with something new. This ministry lays it's foundation on that which never changes, the WORD OF GOD. Satan's fads will come and go, but they all have one purpose, to pull as many away from Christ as he can. We have one weapon, prayer that is aligned with the WORD OF GOD. This is how we'll fight off this challenge and whatever else satan schemes with. Our goal needs to be to expose these fads, educate people about these fads, and to help the lost from falling for these frauds.This is our mission statement: 1. Confess Jesus with your mouth. 2. Confess Jesus with your lifestyle. 3. BE BOLD!!!Do you want a challenge? Then follow these 3 things. Make a video, we'll put it on this site, leave a comment, send pictures, confess Jesus at school, work, or the street, do whatever you feel challenges you... but BE BOLD!!!I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!

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My Blog

Liberty Theological Seminary press release

This was sent to me from a friend:   PRESS RELEASE (08.02.07)ERGUN CANER ANSWERS THE "BLASPHEMY CHALLENGE."On February 7th in Liberty University's Campus Church (listen to the podcast), in front ...
Posted by Confession Campaign on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:06:00 PST

let's kick this campaign off

First thing I want to talk about is this challenge being issued by the ratioanal response squad. I first watched and was blown away, then saddened and burdened by these peole who have little concern f...
Posted by Confession Campaign on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:14:00 PST