i Lyk Watching DiscOvery cHanneL, Listening Music, Chatting, Hanging out w/ my Friendz, texting,,Surfing the internet...coLLEcting pOems& compILing d Text mEssAges of my Friends&LoVEd oNe's....
oFcoURse tHose Hu R aLso wiLLing 2b a Friend 2me... & dos PeRzOns Hu PossEssed Gud Qualities.. like being Kind, HoneSt, Understanding..Caring.. & moSt of All Loving....and a Lot...
LoVe SonGs, r&b, Pop, Rock, MeLLow, Alternative LoveSongs,..
SnOwQueEn, Bring it On, ALL d EpiSodes Of HArrY PottEr, Twin EFfectS & SomE Scary moviEs..
i Lyk reAding NoveLs, encyCLopedia, aLmanac, bSta aLL enGLish Bo0kS dat wUd aDd kNowLedge& giVe sOmE uSeful info...
aLL d OutstanDng Heroes in our WorLd.. hehe