***jAmoOo*** profile picture


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About Me

18 things I want you to know about me:1.) Jamela Dianne Sampal real name ko. Behind my name lies many nicknames: "jam", "jamoo",2.) I may be mataray to some but i'm not really like that. I can just be a bitch if you are!3.) A perfect day for me is a hassle-free and homework-free day.. But it rarely happens!4.) Otherwise, my day turns out really bad when there's lots of homework and related stuff!5.) My fave cp theme is the Disney Princesses. Why? Why not?!6.) I like Cinderella among the Princesses. No why's! I like her..7.) What I like most about other people is their being thoughtful..8.) I hate them when they think they're above all..9.) If I could be reborn, I would be a tree.. Why? Because I said so..10.) I suck in playing the guitar. Im a frustrated guitarist.11.) I dont have a good singing voice.. I have a worst voice..12.) I love taking pictures..13.) I love my SWEETIE so much.14.) Chris Tiu & Dennis Trillo. Theyre my bf pero di nila alam..15.) If I could travel to any place in the world, Id go to North Carolina..16.) Make me kiss you by taking me to a PBA/UAAP gamefront seat w/ a bucket of popcorn & iced tea.17.) I pig out a lot kaya chubby na.. chubby huh, not fat!18.) Accept me for who I am and well be friendsLOVES:-my family: the spoiled one-my friends: no one can spoil anything with them-chocolate: it's my remedy-my lappytappy & cybershot: can't help but love it-my cellie: put me in a plan.. pretty please?-being eighteen: enjoying the liberty-school: certified nerd.. a cool one-shopping: it will always be my extreme sport!-movie nights: awesome-night outs: drinks+music+friends=FUN-pool nights: i'm a wanna be.. hustler soon?-dinners: expensive but pleasurable-gatherings: beach-ing/bbq-ing/camping-nature trails/hiking: tiring but worth-it-tv & internet: it's a must have-clothes, shoes & purses: can't get enough of it-accessories: certified collector-books: i love reading!-music: my stress-reliever-dancing: i have rhythm-food: too much of little servings-creativity: it runs in the family-art & photography: totally admire it-sarcasm: nuff said-lazy days: i can stay in my pj's & in my bed all day-PEPSI: that's my water-tea: green, black or lemon-mogu pillows: so comfortable.. collector.DISLIKES: -drama: get over it-lying: horrible at it-two-faced: ugh.. betch!-bitches: try me, i can be one.-procrastination: my best friend & worst enemy-driving: ugh.. give me courage please-boredom: make me do something

My Interests

chatting, nEt sUrfing, teXtiNg(24/7), tElEbAbAd, sOuNd tRip, eAting, dAy dReAmiNg =), pLaying cOmpUter gAmEs, giMmik, mAlliNg, pArTy, hAnGiNg oUt w/ my friends, oUt of tOwn tRip, fOod tRip-(LOVE it) eAting, sLeePing, eAting a Lot, sLeEping a lot, hanging oUt w/ mY fRienDz, PINK, mamam, sUrfing tHe net, teLebabaD, cHocoLates, mAgaziNes, sTuff tOys, wAtching tEeveE, gOing ti thE maLL, sHoppinG a Lot, kiKay sTufF, WWE, jOhn Cena, rAndy oRton, rEading bOoks, siNging?! & boyzzzz....

I'd like to meet:

tHose pEople wHo are REAL!!!I hate SILLY GIRLS who makes me feel so special and making me feel so stupid!..know what i mean...I hate those peEps who are trying to be someone..(wAnna be?!).. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF!No nEed tO PM me,aSkiNg tO aDd yOu uP...


songs of: MaTcHbOoK rOmAnCe, mY cHeMiCal rOmAnCe, dAsHbOaRd cOnFeSsiOn, yEllOw cArD, aMBeR pAciFiC, tHe uSeD, HALE, bamboo, sponge cola, parokya ni edgar, join the club, 6cycle mind, kamikazee, MYMP, kelly clarkson, aerosmith, bon jovi, cold play, life house, greenday, matchbox20, extereme, vertical horizon, dashboard confessional, mr. big, joane osborne, jet, guns n roses, d sound and SIMPLE PLAN


300, BriNg It On, sAvE tHe lAsT DaNcE, jUsT mY lUcK, tAkE tHe lEaD, jHoN TuCkEr mUsT diE, kiNgdOm of hEaven, mr. & mRs. sMith, piRaTeS oF tHe CaRriBeAn, tHe nUn, aMeRiCaN hUnTiNg, sHutter, lOvE wReCkEd, enOugh, Legally blonde, swEet hOme alabAma, jAsOn vs. fRedDie, cHaSing liBerTy, chAinSaw mAssaCre, a wAlk 2 rEmEmBer, pRiNcEsS diAriEs I and II, sPideRman, cHArlie's aNgEl, sHrEk, the nEw gUy, sChOol of rOck, 10 tHings i hAte aBout yOu, WHAT A GIRL WANTS(d best)


pimp my riDe, America's next top model, MYX, MTV, spongebob (my fave)& criss angels mind freak




my parents