Sports, Wildilfe, Sports, Tv, Sports, Music, Sports... Everything nd did i say sports???
All the Englands Football & Rugby Team, Tom Cruise, RACHEL STEVENS (shes great lol) da whole cast of friedns, Tom welling, David Attenborough, Gordon Ramsey, Britany Spears lol
Loves all music apart from dat chavy shit dat no1 can even understand!
DIE HARDS!!!!!!! love em, nothin betta. American Pies... Mission Impossible... every film really theres not alot of films i watch da i dont like.
24, Match of the Day, Smallville, Simpsons, Scrubs, Friends, My Family, The F Word,
My Hero is Steve Irwin. If one man can make such a difference in this world then he should be every1s hero!