Music, dvds, sports, clothes, shopping to name a few.
Someone who is cool w/how I am...!
Way to many too name. Mostly Rock. Some Hip Hop and Pop. Clash, Stones, Strokes, Beastie Boys, New York Dolls, Sublime, Guns&Roses, The Killers, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Iggy Pop, Green Day, old Aerosmith, Eminem, De La Soul, Tribe, Jay Z, Outkast, John Lee Hooker and Willie Dixon to name a few.
Way too many to name. Dazed and Confused, Goodfellas, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Animal House, Caddyshack, School Ties, American History X, LA Confidential, Remember the Titans, Gofather 1 and 2, Old School, Scarface, Office Space, Rging Bull, Good Will Hunting, Usual Suspects, Gladiator, Braveheart, Dead Poets Society, Outside Providence, A Bronx Tale, Mean Girls, The Departed, The Contender, Taxi Driver, Oceans Eleven, Basketball Diaries to name a few.
Entourage,Jeopardy, Discovery Channel, A&E, ESPN, History Channel, VH1, The Sopranos, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, South Park, to name a few.
On the Road, Catcher in the Rye, Mansion on the Hill, Grapes of Wrath, Motley Crue autobiograpy to name a few.
My mom...