i need a man in my life, a nice one, that doesnt cheat, and is tall, with nice teeth, and pretty eyes, and gold tops and bottoms, and both ears pierced, and long hair, and dances, and raps, and likes to kiss!
It$ aLL BeCaU$e O' YoO Im fEeLiNg $aD & BlUe YoO RaN AwAy NoW My LoVe I$ Ju$t a RaInY DaY I LoVe YoO $o MuCh YoU'll NeVa KnO YoUvE Got A WaY WiTh LeAvInG Me LoNeLy UnTOuChAbLe MeMoRiE$ $eEm To KeEp HaUnTiNg Me Of LoVe $o TrUe ThAt$ WhAt$ DoNe NoW My GrEy $kIe$ BlUe BuT YoO Di$$aPeArEd NoW My EyE$ ArE FiLLeD WiTh TeAr$ Im Wi$hIn YoO WeRe HeRe WiTh Me If OnLy YoO WeRe HeRe WiTh Me YoUd Wa$h AwAy My TeAr$ ThE $uN WoUlD $hInE & OnCe AgAiN YoUd Be MiNe BuT In ReAlItY YoU LoVe WiLL NevA Be CaUse YoO ToOk YoUr LoVe AwAy FrOM Me....