Ancora Imparo
If you're looking to create chaos and drama....you know where the dang door is...so shoo if that's your evil plan.
~*~Number one love is Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks~*~ Into Theory of a Deadman, Breaking Benjamin, Nickelback, Tantric, Godsmack, Def Leppard, Vertical Horizon, Journey, Sugarcult, Elton John...dang the list goes on.
Dig the sci-fi fantasy stuff like Star Trek, Lord of the Rings etc. Loved National Treasure. But love my old time favorites like Casablanca, The African Queen and True Grit.
Law & Order and the CSI's
Anything from the new Harley Davidson catalog to the Thesaurus...
~*~My parents & my kids. All the men and women who serve(d) & have lost their lives to protect this country ~*~