I am a spoiled rotten French Bulldog!!!I will be four in May in dogs years I think it is 32???? I was born in Texas, my mom found me on the internet and picked me up from a lady in Tennessee. I Love car rides and licking ears! I Love my pool in the summer and I am a soccer player, mom says I can be a professional. I have a brother that was adopted from the shelter, my mom used to do dog rescue but I put a stop to that!!! I love my brother, he is a corgi mix and was abused by men so he is not real friendly, we love eachother and chew on eachothers neck, dad calls it love kisses. My new baby sister is a lab mix she came from the shelter too, I am not too fond of her but I am trying to accept her, she was attacked by bigger dogs when she was a puppy so she lost her eye, my mom found her in the shelter and saved her from being put down. I have several nicknames....stinky, stinky tuscadaro, big head, who knows but I go by Kopper.