Where is your Wrestling Destiny?
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You will work in WWE FALSE
You will work in TNA FALSE
You will work in ROH FALSE
Success Rate - 37%
How Much you will get paid per match $7,532.97
How many Titles you will win 8226
This QuickKwiz by Shaw - Taken 30 Times.
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XMV, Magic the Gathering, Anime, WWE Raw 2, WWE Wrestlemania XXI (XBox), anything on XBox Live and posting at NoDQ and the Venue
Internet: Mike Nagel, Jeff Metchem, Stagger Lee, Aaron Rift, Noah Donnish, Kyle Johnson and Wade NeedhamSports: Martain Broduer, Wayne Gretzky and Micheal JordenWrestling: The WWE Locker Room, ECW Locker Room, TNA's AJ Styles and Chris Daniels (You can't forget a few like Edge, Orton, UUUMMMEGAA!!!!!!!, MVP, JBL in the WWE Locker Room, Rated RKO may be heels but they make it look good and Edge should be champ)Music: Thursday, Rue, Blink 182, Bon Jovi, Bruce Springteen and Sum 41TV: The Whole JAG Cast and the Whole Highlander CastOther: Richard Garfield (Magic the Gathering Creator), John Avon (Magic the Gathering Artist [Makes the best damn lands])
The Boondock Saints, SAW Series, RHPS, Battle Royale I, Gone in 60 Seconds
Heroes, 24, Lost, WWE RAW/Smackdown and ECW, TNA, House, Bones, Ninja Warrior
Any Stephen King and Tom Claney Book
Hulk Hogen, Mick Foley, Richard Garfield (The Man Behind Magic), Tommy Dreamer and Bill Gates