vipassana meditation, painting, lying in the grass...staring into outerspace, the nature of strawberry haagen dazs, chess, being silly with people, not harming life & helping eachother along the way.
guaranteed fresh!
currently inspired by persian traditional music, patiently awaiting portishead's third to drop... catch me between dead kennedys and gangstarr//:belle & sebastian and mf that brings people together.
clint eastwood westerns, zhang yimou, i thought children of men was am important film artisticly and for its message.
ok...a little bit here and there, ususally 'naruto' and 'fosters home for imaginary friends'
the teachings of the buddha, sci-fi...octavia butler, frank herbert...dr.suess, shel silverstein,khalil gibran,I-ching...blah blah blah..."meeep meep meep"