Welcome to Providence College's radio station WDOM 91.3 fm! We are a growing station and would love any artist to become apart of our family! If your a local artist, indie artist, or established artist we would like you to become apart of WDOM! Being said, if you would like to do a radio interview, live in session, guest dj or phone in let us know, message us. If your on tour in the area, STOP BY! So
if your interested in giving us your cd here's the address:
Brandon, Texas, Burns
Providence College
at Slavin Center
Providence, RI 02918
you can also email the music directors @ [email protected]
And if we pick you, here's the deal. Dj(s) pick from a rack that features new cds of the month there, they pick 10 songs from 10 different cds and this is for ever 2 hour show. ALSO! every week, we tally up all the plays and send them in to CMJs Radio 200, Radio 200 ADDS, and Hip Hop ADDS.
As you can see, there is a great chance to get played and exposure!. If you are interested message us or what not! We'd be very excited to help out in any way.
The Exec Board is:
Asha - General Manager
Texas - Music Director
Brandon - Music Director
Burns - Music Director
Sandman Esquire - Hip Hop Director
Ryan - Talk Show Director
Tim - Promotions
Mike - Business
Jimmy - Chief Announcer
******PAY ATTENTION******
If you are an unsigned band, your music will be looked at to see if it will be playable, contains no swearing (or we get sued by FCC.. $400,000 btw) Please, we will try to listen to as many bands sound/music when you send it in 3