Music, photography, dancing, writing, concerts, Renn Faire, theatre, costuming.
Bunches of indie bands. Bunches of signed bands. Billy Joel. Johnny Depp (So music isn't his primary gig. He's an amazing actor.). And a few more bands.
And while I'm thinking about it, let's add guys who either A)know how to dance or B)want to learn how to dance. 'Cuz let's face it. Guys who can dance are fucking HOT.
Wow. There's so much music that I love. At the moment, let's top the list with Bandcamp, Kill the Alarm, Fools & Horses, The Crash Motive, and Push Play. And, as always, Joe Hedges (pka July For Kings), Bridges and a Bottle, Negative Space, Cinder Road (pka Plunge), Billy Joel, The Click Five, Hanson, Ingram Hill, Cherry Monroe, Jimmy Eat World, The Calling (RIP), and many more that would take me forever and a day to write out.
Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, most Disney animated films (up to about The Lion King), Ice Age, The Princess Bride, most of the kiddie movies I grew up on, Interview with the Vampire
I don't watch too much television, but I totally dug Garfield and Friends, Fraggle Rock, The Muppet Show, Gummi Bears, Home Improvement, Blossom, Boy Meets World, Full House, and plenty of other tv-now-on-dvd from when I was a kid.
Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling is a goddess), The Musician's Atlas (okay, so it's not actually a book, per se), All You Need to Know about the Music Business (Don Passman is a god), a few good grammar guides and style manuals (I know most of them inside out, but it doesn't hurt to keep them on hand as references), and anything that looks mostly interesting and actually turns out to be very well written.
The people who don't compromise themselves. The people who would prefer to be themselves rather than be what society prescribes. The ones who are a little bit different and live it up. The ones who know what they want and do something about it.