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Fulvio Maras

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============================================================ ====== ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................ ============================================================ ====== Percussionista, esperto di strumenti elettronici, diplomato al Conservatorio de L'Aquila, batterista di jazz, ............................................................ ............................................................ .......................... Partecipato, oltre che ai principali festivals Jazz italiani, come Umbria, R. Jonica, Bergamo, Berchidda, S.A. Arresi a concerti in tutto il mondo: Le Mans, Mulhouse, Parigi, Moers, L'Aja, Groningen, Copenaghen, Stoccolma, Zurigo, Berlino, Lisbona, Tunisi, Istanbul, Bombay, Pechino, Montréal ecc. ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................... Collaborato con G. Trovesi (soprattutto), G. Schiaffini, B. Tommaso, T. Vittorini, P. Damiani, E. Pietropaoli, R. Marcotulli, P. Fresu, A. Corsi, M. Arcari, ... con musicisti di fama internazionale come K. Wheeler, M. Godard, R. Towner, M. Coen, P. Favre.... con le cantanti M.P. De Vito, L. Galeazzi, L. Minetti, C. Spata, N. Winstone.... con orchestre, anche delle televisioni nazionali Rai e Mediaset, più recentemente quelle di Guimaraes Jazz (dir. da G.Goldstein, M.Schneider, B.Mintzer) , la WDR di Köln (guest M. Stockhausen), la Brussels Jazz (guest D. Duglas), la Bergen Big Band (guest M. Eick), l’Orchestra dell’Egea (guest E. Pierannunzi), la Parma Festival Jazz di R. Bonati ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................ Svolto attività sinfonica presso le orchestre RAI e S. Cecilia in Roma , attività concertistica classica-contemporanea (col gruppo “Ars Ludi” per il quale ha arrangiato alcuni eventi) (con l’ensemble di L. Cinque in Italia,Senegal, Rio de Janeiro, Tokio) ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................... Impegnato in incontri etnomusicali (per es.: su invito degli Istituti Italiani di Cultura, come Dakar, Ankara, Jakarta) con suoi progetti, o collaborando con ensemble, tipo il gruppo musicale “Tanit”, l’orchestra “Le Lunghe Canne” (guest P. Metheny, T. Gurtu) le cantanti E. Meghnagi, Sainkho, solisti come A. Salameh, il gruppo “Shan Qi” diretto da G. Amighetti, i progetti “Multirifrazione” con J. Gasparyan, B. Sek. ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................... Partecipato come compositore e arrangiatore alle produzioni di artisti pop quali P. Pravo e A. Ruggiero e di artisti esordienti (ultima uscita il cd dei “Sinenomine” con la cantante Pilar) o ha partecipato come strumentista a tournées , tipo I. Fossati, O. Vanoni ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................... Composto per progetti di teatro (P. Pitagora, W. Manfré), films e programmi televisivi(RAI e MEDIASET), spettacoli di danza (P. Cerroni, F. Monteverde, E. Piperno, B. Curtis), in Italia ed all'estero (Austria, Germania, Stati Uniti, Messico, Venezuela ecc.) ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................... Ideato ed arrangiato per l’orchestra E. Salmeggia di Nembro il progetto: “MUSICA IN SCENA” , con solisti e voce recitante ............................................................ ............................................................ ........................... Realizzato sonorizzazioni per eventi pubblici e privati ============================================================ =======
By fulviomaras at 2009-03-29

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Member Since: 2/13/2007
Band Website: tatma.net .............. sinenomine.it
Band Members: ============================================================ ======DISCOGRAPHY ======================================================== ============================================================ ======= " SATIE" - quartetto MUSAIQUE - EMI"IDEOGRAMMI" – P. Pravo – ZARD RECORDS "POUR TOI" - P. Pravo - KYRONE"ARGILLA" - Ornella Vanoni- CGD"MILONGA SECONDO MATTEO"- Arcari/Corsi- SENSIBLE "IL VIANDANTE IMMAGINARIO" - Arcari/Corsi – EGEA"TANIT" – gruppo TANIT - CLASSICO "INSULE" - gruppo TANIT - ESPERIA"VOICES" – P. Damiani – NEW SOUND PLANET "SONG TONG" – P.Damiani – SPLASH "LADYBIRD" – P. Damiani - EGEA"WORDS" – G. Visibelli -. DDD "GESUALDO" - T.Tracanna/C.Guarino – SPLASH "LA FORMA DELLE COSE" – T. Tracanna - SPLASH "OLTRE NAPOLI LA NOTTE" - B. Tommaso - DDQ "LE RÊVE DU JONGLEUR" - Parmajazz frontiere festival orchestra - MM "SOME MORE CHANCES" – R. Luppi Ensemble – SPLASH"LET" – Trovesi/Schiaffini – SPLASH "ABOUT MONK" – G.Schiaffini Band – PENTAFLOWERS "AS A BIRD" – G.Schiaffini - PENTAFLOWERS"ISOLE" – Ferra/Della Porta/McCandlesss – EGEA "MARI PINTAU" – B.Ferra - EGEA "DI MEZZO IL MARE" -Orchestra Egea G. Mazzocchetti - EGEA"TANGERINE CAFÉ" – T.H.O. di L. Cinque – MRF/ HARMONY"FROM G TO G" - G.Trovesi ottetto – SOUL NOTE "LES HOMMES ARMéS" – G.Trovesi ottetto – SOUL NOTE "ROUND ABOUT A MIDSUMMER'S DREAM" - G Trovesi nonetto – ENJA "DEDALO" - WDR Big Band/Trovesi - ENJA "FUGACE" – G. Trovesi ottetto - ECM "VAGHISSIMO RITRATTO"-trio G.Trovesi U. Petrin -ECM "LIVE AT LA CASA DEL JAZZ" - G. Trovesi special guest E. Rava - L'ESPRESSO================================================== ================ ============================================================ ====== ULTIMA USCITA = LAST PRODUCTION = "TATMA" project ............................................................ ............................................................ .............................. http://www.twilightmusic.it/IT/store.php?id=77 ============================================================ ======= ============================================================ =======
Educatational Background: Master in percussion from the Academy of Music in L'Aquila, Italy ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................professional working experience:1) composition and arrangements 1.1) Ethnic music:-invited by the Italian Cultural Institute in Senegal and sponsored by the Italian Government to compose ethnic music for Italian and Senegalese musicians as well as to plan, organize and perform concerts. Responsible for the coordination of these groups.- researched in the field of traditional Italian music: the group of musicians "Tanit" produced CDs and gave concerts; the group has been interested in the traditional music and the characteristic instruments of the island Sardegna- invited by the Italian Cultural Institute in Turkey and sponsored by the Italian Government to plan, organize, coordinate and perform concerts with the band "SINENOMINE" together with musicians of the "Mediterranean orchestra” of Cenk Guray in Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara - assisted in the realisation of the project "Multifrazione" by planning and organizing events and concerts for Italians and Brazilians artists in Rome and in Rio de Janeiro- invited by the Italian Cultural Institute to perform a concert in Bali at the “Sacred Rhythm Festival “- composed music for and performed concerts with various singers; e.g. Sainkho, E. Meghnagi, Wu Fei, the band Shan Qi,- recorded music with Naziha Azzouz (singer) and Adel Salameh (oud player)-identfied highly qualified muscicians in Egypt for several projects; e.g. CD recording with the Italian artist Patty Pravo dedicated to Dalida and concerts with Italian musicians1.2) Dance:- composed music for dancers who performed in Italy and abroad (Austria, Germany, Venezuela, U.S.A. and Mexico) with choreographs; e.g. F. Monteverde and the Ballet from Toscana, B. Curtis and the group Afro dance, P. Cerroni & “ i Danzatori Scalzi”, , the Elsa Piperno’s company "Teatro Danza Contemporanea", A. Gatti , G. Frigerio, M. Moricone, M. Piazza1.3) Theatre:- composited and executed music for theatre shows "Io ed il profeta", "I sotteranei dell'anima" and"Leopardi segreto" with the actress Paola Pitagora- composited and executed music for the W. Shakespeare “The Tempest” directed by W. Manfré- composited and arranged ”MUSIC ON STAGE” show for the “E.Salmeggia” Orchestra and one lead actor’s voice 1.4) Television programs and spots:- composed program initials; e.g. "Araba Fenice", "Turisti per caso"- composed music for variety shows; e.g. "Banane", "Lupo solitario"- composted music for the Rai (national network) promotional jingles; e.g. for the European football games- composed music for the spots; e.g. against drugs, organized by the United Nations1.5) Film:- composed TV movies; e.g. " Più leggero non basta", financed by national network RAI 2 - composed music for documentaries; e.g. "Pages"(Emi) , 1.6) Pop Music:- composted, planned and arranged music productions of CDs for Patty Pravo: "Ideogrammi", produced in China and “Pour Toi”, produced in France- composited and arranged music for Antonella Ruggero ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................. 2) execution: 2.1) Jazz:- participated in international Jazz Festivals in Italy and abroad; e.g. Beijing, Berlin, Bombay, Groningen, Den Haag, Istanbul, London, Le Mans, Mulhouse, Moers, Montréal, Paris, Tunis, Zurich with famous musicians .g G. Trovesi, G. Schiaffini, P. Damiani, M. Coen, R. Bonati, P. Fresu, G Tommaso K. Wheeler, A. Mangelsdorff, N.Winstone, D. Friedman, R. Towner, P.Favre as well as with the Big Bands of Guimaraes (conducted by G. Goldstein, M. Schneider, B. Mintzer…) Köln (WDR television) Brussels, Parma, and with the EGEA Orchestra 2.2) Theatre: - participated in several shows and tours, in particular with: Teatro di Genova, (performing star Mariangela Melato) Fondazione Roma Europa, (performing Alessandro Baricco)2.3) Classical music:- participated as percussionist in the Orchestra Santa Cecilia, Opera-House and the National Television Symphonic Orchestra in Roma,- participated together with the Orchestra Santa Cecilia in the realization of a disc for the Deutsche Grammophon2.4) Pop music:- participated in tours with singers; e.g. Ivano Fossati, Ornella Vanoni
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Type of Label: Major

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