Hardcore, my love, my friends, animals, chilling ;) Tattoos and Piercing ( =bodystyling *gg* )
all kinds of HARDCORE!!!, Terror, Frenchcore and sometimes also totally bloody fucked up Speedcore
my favorite DJs/Producers are: of course Hardcore Masterz Vienna ;), PARTYRAISER!!!, Na Goyah, Nyocore!!!, Paul Elstak, Tommyknocker, Partyraiser, Cut A Chaos, Unexist, Stunned Guys, Stormtrooper, The Speedfreak, Neophyte, Scott Brown, Enoid, Mental Defective, Micropoint, Evil Activities, EnzymeX, Rotter Tom (hell yeah *g*), E-Qui-Nox, Fotzenarchitekt, RYC, Art of Fighters, BPMJunkie, Noizefucker, Jabo, Frazz Bass and Komprex and many many more...
but sometimes for "chilling" i also listen to something else like Floggin Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Curse, Sublime, The Doors, Patrice, Nirvana, Wizo, DTH, DÄ, Caramelo Criminal etc..
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Team America, Alice in Wonderland, Bowling for Columbine, Spun, Pulp Fiction, The Life of Brian (- let's say Monty Python- or Quentin Tarantino-Films are never a mistake )and DVDs from hardcoreparties *g*
Simpsons, Southpark, Malcolm in the middle, Sex and the City, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ha ha ha...
i have no special books, but i like positive ones like books from Bärbel Mohr - live's ugly enough :) and now i'm reading "Asphalt Tribe" from Morton Rhue, also very interesting - a "close-to-life-book" in my eyes
Möbelix X-Maaaaaaaaan Poweeeeeer