Melanie G. profile picture

Melanie G.

Happiness is a choice

About Me

is the name...don't forget it! ;)I usually always have a smile on my face and why wouldn't I? Life is damn GOOD! I'm a half Mexican (Mama) and half Cuban (Daddio) PISCES. I was born on March 17th, St. Patty's Day which makes me a very L-U-C-K-Y girl. ;) Mi familia means the WORLD to me. We go by the "G-Unit" since our last name starts with a "G". If anyone is going to have your back it's your family, this has been proven to me time and time again and is why I will ALWAYS put them first above all. That is where my loyalty and heart will always be without a doubt. My boyfriend, close girlfriends and guy friends are included in this category though, they know who they are! If there's any question as to who they might be, take a look around my page, they are plastered all over it! hahaha I'm sure you wouldn't help but notice a common theme on my page too~F-U-N! I am definitely what you would call a fun-loving gal. If it appears like I'm living life to the fullest and having a ball it's because I AM. I truly live as if each day were my last, trying to get as much out of each day because you never know when your time is up! I get along with damn near everybody, if I have a problem with you I am pretty sure it's YOU and not me. I don't care to have issues with anyone. Life is too short to be bitter, those are words I sincerely live by.

My Interests

Leah & Mark's Wedding the most beautiful experience EVER...
Our baby Papi...

In Paco's Pool havin a blast!

**Me & My Favorite Hottie Pinay Jhoi**

I'd like to meet:

I HAVE FOUND THE MAN OF MY DREAMS ALREADY...NO BOYS!!! I have found my perfect match, I couldn't be happier if I tried!

*****At this point I feel like my friends list is long enough so I'm not going to be adding too many random dudes anymore unless I truly know you, we share mutual friends, we are from around the same area or for networking purposes. Not tryin to be snobby or anything, it's just too hard to keep up with the friends I have already. You can still send me a message if you want though! I'm down to add the ladies though, so girls hit me up!

**As far as friends are concerned: Anyone who is GENUINE...I consider myself a kind, considerate, intelligent, HONEST person. I look for the same attributes in any new friends as well. NO LIARS and NO SHADIES!
I LOVE to laugh... ..

So anyone with a good sense of humor is a MUST!

I always like to meet new can never have too many friends!!!

~Go On and Brush Your Shoulders Off!

I love me some of my Drea!

I love my Bobby too!

~**Twin Dolphins**~

~**Me & My Beautiful Rosa**~

With my good friends Leeanna & Joey
My Good Friend Nima & I

Add My Lil Bro Adam~ He's makin moves with music! Click on him here and check him out!


, R&B, Soulful House, Salsa, Alternative...basically anything and everything with a good beat except Country really.


Crash, Scarface, Godfather, Traffic, 21 Grams, Gone with the Wind (My mother loved the character .. so much she decided to name me after her, neat huh?!), Old School, Pulp Fiction, Something's Gotta Give, The Goonies, Good Will Hunting, Mambo Kings, Pretty in Pink, Under the Tuscan Sun, The Shining, GoodFellas, Donnie Brasco, Carlito's Way, Van Wilder, Fight Club, Primal Fear, 25th Hour-anything with Edward Norton in it, he is such a phenomenal actor...


Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, The Shield, Grey's Anatomy, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Entourage, The Family Guy...


I am currently reading "The Purpose Driven Life"...I recommend this book to everyone!
One book that stayed with me that I can think of is the Godfather..I was so enthralled in that book I read it in a matter of hours. I subscribe to probably waaay too many magazines...Latina is my favorite then probably People then Glamour...Oh yeah, another book that I found interesting is the Celestine Prophecy....definitely not your typical book...very insightful.


My Mom & Dad, My Grandparents "Ma & Pa", My Late Grandfather "Grampy" (I still miss him terribly), Cesar Chavez and Jesus of course!

My Blog

Mexican Debate

I received this in an email today from my good friend Bobby: Someone posted this as a bulletin on the infamous MySpace and I want to know your reaction to it.  Im sending this to the four of you ...
Posted by Melanie G. on Thu, 11 May 2006 04:11:00 PST

Where My Pisces At???

  February 19 - March 20 Pisces is the twelfth Sign of the Zodiac, and it is also the final Sign in the Zodiacal cycle. Hence, this Sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven ...
Posted by Melanie G. on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 04:25:00 PST

The 4 Agreements...

There is this book called "The Four Agreements" written by Miguel Ruiz who was a surgeon from Mexico who had a near death experience.  His family were shamans (healers). Everyone should follow ...
Posted by Melanie G. on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 05:26:00 PST

Sorry hun but you're NOT my type...

I'm sorry but I had to share because this is just too damn funny. I don't know HOW many messages I get from dudes thinkin they are going to get ANYWHERE with me. They are like "sup...
Posted by Melanie G. on Sat, 15 Oct 2005 05:00:00 PST

Somethin fresh on my mind...

Sooooo, last night I went out on a date with this guy right? In the beginning I was all jazzed and psyched about him until he dropped the bomb on me that he doesn't EVER drink. My first thought w...
Posted by Melanie G. on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:25:00 PST

G's & Macks~ (Courtesy of "Big G")

Now this is some REAL pimp talk here! Take notes and step up your G-A-M-E! A real mack ain't gotta lie to kick it! Some of you boys need to recognize this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This...
Posted by Melanie G. on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 02:06:00 PST

Putting Them BOYS on Blast...

So last night I got inspired with the encouraging from some of my close girlfriends to write a blog putting some of you boys on blast. Yes, I'm talking about you boys, not men, there's a vast differen...
Posted by Melanie G. on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 12:42:00 PST

Love is...

"Love is not so much finding the right person as it is becoming the right person. It is much like the butterfly: You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly...
Posted by Melanie G. on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:11:00 PST

SO Thankful!

 I'm in SUCH a good mood today, maybe because I'm taking off for Tahoe tomorrow for the weekend after a hectic work week? Oh wait, might be because of the sugar high of all those damn Kri...
Posted by Melanie G. on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:47:00 PST

Melanie's Late Nite Ramblings...

I think I'm gonna go to bed in a minute actually but I wanted to wish my late night buddies a good night first! I hope everyone had wonderful weekends! Mine was PERFECT! I didn't go out partying at al...
Posted by Melanie G. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST