DENISE SAVES™ profile picture


♥ i rock my own face off.

About Me

Useless info:


i LOVE that 70s show. .
i work all over the country. CVS/Pharmacy remodels. i don't really like it. but it pays my bills. and i guess thats good enough. i got a few really awesome friends. ♥Krystal. ♥ Wamberine.♥Hopeface. ♥Davey.
I wanna live in Dallas or Chicago. I ♥ those cities. I really wanna go to canada though for some reason though lately. its so weird.
i smoke a lot of cigarettes. Marlboro Lights if you wanna buy me some. but I really think i should quit. but its so hard. i need help.
i like the smell of sweet pea.
i like a lot of hardcore and metal. more metal though. but I like all kinds of music. I can pretty much listen to anything and be content. I like to sing the oldies a lot. hahaha
i have 3 sisters. Alyssa (9. she RULES. and loves hockey as much as me! haha). Kerrigan (4. shes just fucking NUTS. she calls me a weirdo and butthead all the time because thats what I call her haha). Brittany (19. yeah i dont know. shes just kinda there. shes okay. haha). I have a neice. she is so awesome. and so cute. and fun! i love her. Katrina i like cheese.
I dont like this stuff.
i dont like being cold.
i dont like people talking about me behind my back.
i dont like high school, bullshit drama.
if you dont like me. I dont really care. say what you want. im better than that.
when people stink. PLEASE shower.
drinking and driving. its shitty and stupid. thats one reason i dont really drink. that and i like to be in control of what im doing and i feel that if i drink. im no longer in control. so nah. not for me i guess.
people changing to make other people happy. be yourself. who cares what anyone else has to say.
AOL: xri0txcorex or denisehardcore20
e-mail: [email protected]
cell:x9x-9570.(gotta really be pretty rad to get that.)
if there is anything else. go ahead. ask me.
...i love him
... he's the best thing ever. my all-time favorite jerk ♥ haha.

My Interests

hockey, painting, reading, music, shoes....

I'd like to meet:

i wanna meet sidney crosby and actually sit down and have a conversation with the dude.... just so i can tell him how awesome he is. and what an amazing hockey player he is. and I dont know. i just think he would be a cool person to get to know... seems like he is an awesome dude either way... and he strives to be better than the rest. and it shows.... for sure. i just love that dude. haha ♥.... BUT. i would say. the foo fighters too.


I like everything. i catch myself listening to the radio more than i do my ipod or cds. haha


natural born killers. wet hot american summer. 40 year old virgin. harry potter movies. the davinci code. hoodwinked. ice age. ice age 2. saw. saw 2. xmen all 3 of them. wedding crashers. and I LOVE disney movies, i dont know why. but i just love cartoons... they rule.


that 70s show. friends. dead like me.


the davinci code. the rookie.


my grandfather may he rest in peace..... i miss him so much. & Mario Lemieux.. my grandfather had the same kinda cancer. and just the fight that you put up to just to take that one extra breath is amazing... that there is just amazing to me....

My Blog

i wanna move.

to canada.   i dont know why. i just wanna live there. and never come back here. unless... its for holidays....
Posted by denise on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 05:42:00 PST