i LOVE that 70s show. .
i work all over the country. CVS/Pharmacy remodels. i don't really like it. but it pays my bills. and i guess thats good enough. i got a few really awesome friends. ♥Krystal. ♥ Wamberine.♥Hopeface. ♥Davey.
I wanna live in Dallas or Chicago. I ♥ those cities. I really wanna go to canada though for some reason though lately. its so weird.
i smoke a lot of cigarettes. Marlboro Lights if you wanna buy me some. but I really think i should quit. but its so hard. i need help.
i like the smell of sweet pea.
i like a lot of hardcore and metal. more metal though. but I like all kinds of music. I can pretty much listen to anything and be content. I like to sing the oldies a lot. hahaha
i have 3 sisters. Alyssa (9. she RULES. and loves hockey as much as me! haha). Kerrigan (4. shes just fucking NUTS. she calls me a weirdo and butthead all the time because thats what I call her haha). Brittany (19. yeah i dont know. shes just kinda there. shes okay. haha). I have a neice. she is so awesome. and so cute. and fun! i love her. Katrina i like cheese.
I dont like this stuff.
i dont like being cold.
i dont like people talking about me behind my back.
i dont like high school, bullshit drama.
if you dont like me. I dont really care. say what you want. im better than that.
when people stink. PLEASE shower.
drinking and driving. its shitty and stupid. thats one reason i dont really drink. that and i like to be in control of what im doing and i feel that if i drink. im no longer in control. so nah. not for me i guess.
people changing to make other people happy. be yourself. who cares what anyone else has to say.
AOL: xri0txcorex or denisehardcore20
e-mail: [email protected]
cell:x9x-9570.(gotta really be pretty rad to get that.)
if there is anything else. go ahead. ask me.
...i love him
... he's the best thing ever. my all-time favorite jerk ♥ haha.