Things I Like
AFI | nighttime | cemeteries | art | music | twilight | snowboarding | sleeping all day | bass guitar | Thai/Chai food | being hugged | California | finding ways to destroy myself | ice skating | bowling | billiards | spending time with people I love | my computer | video games | tattoos & piercings | Photoshop | road trips | the mall | MAC makeup | MAC computers | Tinkertoys | warm weather | hiking/camping | music festivals | beanies | boxers | little red pills | being alone | my iPod nano | sagging my pants | The Crayola Factory
Things I Hate
talking on the phone | Seinfeld | wrong assumptions | judgment | bad spelling/grammar | sunlight | Bop It [worst toy idea EVER] | crowds | fighting | crowdsurfers | slow walkers | television | sexual humor | water | high school | the broad use of the words "emo" and "gay" | boredom | pretentiousness | meat | the 'scene' | homophobia/racism | two-stepping | fainting | math | Top 8 | waiting a long time for the bus | winter | my freckles | attention | comment whores ::cough::Tammy::cough::
Someone who can explain the difference
between a cup and a glass.
Someone who knows the difference
between "who" and "whom".
Oh, and someone who cares.
Gothcore and techno
Everyone I have ever loved
has come and gone.