Samantha - Lee profile picture

Samantha - Lee

I am here for Friends

About Me


Jealousy is a terrible disease, get well soon.

Samantha Lee Jenkins.

Call me Sam please.
im a vegetarian and have been for ages.
I am not the bitch everyone thinks i am, maybe people should make their own opinion of me and not listen to other people!
stop being a sheep and following the crowd!
Yes, Im the one that drives the pink car, the bitch you would love to hate...
If you see me out don't be afraid to say hi to me, I wont bite, promise.

I'm a 1st year at Glamorgan Uni
studying Forensic Science.
should be a giggle!

Just like everyone else, I have gone through a lot of shit in life... but I dont complain about It, I think it has made me stronger.

Im my own person... you wont find another like me... and im glad.

My Interests


In uni im going to start wallclimbing (even though im pretty shit hot at it now)
Surfing (because i love it)
fencing (hahah)
and probably trampolining (because its fun like!)


too many bands to name... but Ill listen to anything emo/screamo/post-hardcore/metal


(too special to be in my top friends)
What a sexy bastard!!!!
I love lewis to bits,
he is always there for me,
and for that im so greaful.
he cheers me up when im down,
and whenever i see him,
he always makes me smile and giggle uncontrolably!
He is the most amazing person in the world,
i dont think anyone could replace him.
and to be honest im glad,
because im soooo lucky hes my friend!

I love her! shes always there for me when I need her! We have some pretty mint times together, she always makes me giggle! :D
fair play, i love this boyo!
he is lussh!
he's always there when i need a rant
orr when we need a gossip
and we drive to Brecon!
there is not a nicer kiddo in the world!
ILY Chris!
because shes lussssssh!
shes my chinese buddy! :D
(but shes not a chink!)

My Blog

Do me

This is called the "Sex GAME"Repost this, see how many MESSAGES people give you...[ ] I want your number[ ] Pretty/Cute[ ] Hottie[ ] Sexy[ ] Gorgeous[ ] Amazingly Beautiful[ ] I'd take you home in a s...
Posted by Samantha - Lee on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 10:16:00 PST


bah today i am sitting 3 psychology papers that maybe i should have revised for... then im flying to turkey till the 30th!:D cant waiiiiitttt! CHEAP CLOTHESSS!!!! wooot woooot!:D xx...
Posted by Samantha - Lee on Tue, 22 May 2007 03:17:00 PST

Ted and Sam do Ponty

Well... what a random day! Saturday me and Ted went to Ponty Park and that after i finished work! it all started when i was in the staffroom after work and ted was standing outside and then walked off...
Posted by Samantha - Lee on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:22:00 PST


how come a round pizza comes in a square box?? can you still stick something whre the sun dont shine on a nudist beach? how come ice cream has that name because technically it is not ice... just cold ...
Posted by Samantha - Lee on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 08:54:00 PST