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Spring spring spring spring spring spring

About Me

Dedicated member of the Peter Pan generation, while serious about life I am prone to distraction. It's a lifestyle...

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My Interests

Travel & voyaging; equality; story telling; quality people; change; women's rights.

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!Dr Jeffery Sachs; Ani de Franco; Ernest Hemmingway (who's probably a bastard); Thursday Next; Peter Pan; amazing, creative people with self-determination!


Ojos de Brujo; Jamiroquai, Ani de Franco; Kinky; Simon Posford; Manu Chao, Gotan Project, old school trance, and more...


Donnie Darko,Dogs in Space, Orlando, Blade Runner, Latcho Drom, the original Star Wars, Century Hotel (cause I worked on it, but I've never seen it...).