I enjoy playing tennis,and hangin out, reading, and other things
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what sport are you destined for?
tennis! just like the williams' sisters you probably have a flair for fashion and an attitude that beats them all (even if you're a guy!). you know how to have fun and you voice your opinion--LOUD AND CLEAR.
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I'd like to meet:
I would like to meet the real pope....and possible Some famous tennis person.......and other people
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What Angel Are You?
Night Angel
You are a night angel.Smooth, calm even when angry, and slick.You love dark colours, Purples, Black, Blood red.Water loves you and you love water, you get one wonderfully since you shine for her and she refelects you.You have an attacment for leather, or somthing similar to it.You don't have a big anger, more of a deep one, you will hold a grudge for eternity but you make the punishment fit the crime.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You are bookish but incredibly pretty. Belle was first seen in Beauty and the Beast (1991)
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u name it i've listened to it
which happy bunny are you?
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything. You must be so proud
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Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeDo you want your sister to lose weight? Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating twinkies and maybe go out for field hockey. You know what? No one ever knows what they want to be when they grow up. You know it takes a little, little while to find that out, right, Jim? And you... yeah, you. Sick of some jerk shoving your head down the toilet? Well, you know what? Maybe... you should lift some weights, or uh, take a karate lesson and the next time he's tries to do it, you kick him in the balls.
speak,LOTR,session 9,charlie and the choc. factory,hitch, donnie darko, lucky # slevin,Deja vu,X-men all of them, etc....
28 days... six hours... 42 minutes... 12 seconds. That... is when the world... will end.
Rose Darko: Our son just called me a bitch.
Edward Darko: You're not a bitch. You're bitchin', but you're not a bitch.
the simpson,house,CSI,w/o a trace,The nanny,Desperate housewives, extreme home makeover, heros(yes i do like this show even tho i've seen it 2 times)
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which movie is most like your love life?
Ever After:A Cinderella Story
your love life is like the movie Ever After:A Cinderella Story.it's romantic but you try to keep it a secret from others who are jealous of your relationship.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Speak,the giver,harry potter, wrinkle in time book set, sisterhood of the traveling pants, series of unfortunate events, yes the princess diary books meline griffian books, skipping christmas, call waiting-awesome
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Hero is something i do not belive in i don't like the word because i have been let down one to many times by them, so i dont have heroes.
What would you be goddess..god of?(10 different results, anime pictures)
WisdomYou would be god/-dess of wisdom.Greek: Athena
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Animal Wolf
Color Blue
Sport Tennis
Band dunno
Movie Second hand lions, lots
Actor George Cloney
Food? Ribs,HotDogs,FRENCH FRIES, salad
Drink? Stewarts oranges and Cream
Restaurant? Frikers
School subject? English
Cologne/ perfume? Velocity, or anything Vanilla
Television show? The Nanny,CSI,HOUSE,the simpsons
Television station? dunno
Radio station? 103.9
Clothing store/ brand? Oldnavy i guess
Cell phone or the Internet? Internet
Movies or television? Movies
Board games or cards? Bord Games
MTV or VH1? neither
Horror or comedy? HORRor, with comedy in it lol
Summer or winter? winter
Dogs or cats? dogs
Appetizers or dessert? dessert
Concerts or gigs? gigs
Parties or get-togethers? get togethers
Chocolate or vanilla? CHOCOLATE OF COURSE
Beer, vodka, or wine? none
1970s or 1980s? 70's
Rain or snow? ohhhh thats a tough one, rain if its warm, snow if its a really cold day
Mario or Luigi? mario
Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, or Jessica Simpson? Jessica Simpson
Drunk or high? NONE
Day or night? night
Black or white? black
CDs or mixes? mixes
Corvette or Mustang? corvette
Reality shows or sitcoms? sitcoms
Been high? How about any other drugs? Care to mention?
Been drunk? no
Stolen something? What was it? not really
Gotten in a fist-fight? yeah
Vandalized someone's property? yup
Ran over an animal? NO
Trespassed? yes
Told your parents you hated them? yes
Wished death on someone? a lot
Been fake to someone? no
Flew on an airplane? no
Broken a bone? If so, what was it? nope
Been in a car accident? yes
Are you a jealous person? kinda
What do you want to be when you get older? Dream job? i dont know yet
What's your cumulative grade point average? 2.788
What's the meanest thing you've ever said to anyone? i hope you get an STD and die from it!
If you had to go on a reality show, what one would it be? survivor i guess if i have to
Who are your top 3 male and top 3 female friends? Peter,Wes, and i guess derek, Court,Sara,tay
Do you like drama? not really
What do you think is your best feature - physical & personality? eyes
Would you change for someone you liked? maybe it depends most likly not
Would you rather be physically or mentally hurt? physically
Number of CDs I own: a lot
Number of Piercings: 2
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of things in my Past I Regret: LIVE W/O REGRETS!
Which Final Fantasy Couple Are You?
You are Cloud & Tifa. A hated couple by many from the fangirls of Cloud. Childhood sweehearts who promised each other their protection. The kind-hearted woman & the badass, helpful, cold man. A match made in Heaven? Maybe.
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