just about anything, i dunno it's kinda hard to think about it off the top of my head. hmm clubbing, hanging out with friends, girl movie nights, facials, laughing with friends until my stomach hurts and doy boys! haha
Someone who look back one day and say that one of their defining moments in life was the day that they met me, someone who will tell me i'm beautiful even when my eyes are swollen from crying and snot is running down my nose. I guess it wouldn't hurt to find THAT one person, you know... the one missing piece that fits into your jigsaw life. Last and definitely not least, some awesome people that hopefully i can make lasting friendships with.But i've already met the coolest people...These boys have my heart ..
I'm pretty open when it comes to music, i'll listen to pretty much anything but some of my favorite bands right now is Fallout Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Motion City Soundtrack, Passion, New Years Day, Daphne Loves Derby, Paramore, Damien rice, ne-yo, fort minor, and a lot more that i really can't think of right now. but seriously music is my life, i listen to music 24/7 and i love playing the guitar too, i think the guitar is probably the most soothing sounding instrument in the world and i 333 it.
all sappy, chick flicky, and disney movies
heroes, family guy, anything on animal planet...i frickin love that channel
tuesdays with morrie, his bright light, the bad girls series
my parents, grandparents, people who can make me smile when i'm down, people who tell me i'm beautiful with my face looks like shit from crying where my makeup is running and there's snot coming out of my nose and my frickin awesome ass RA andy cheni
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