Sounds. My heart beating. Sushi. The people I love. Words. Bald heads. My mother's menudo. Being challenged by art. Mexican Jumping Beans . Laughing my ass off. Cigars. Eating well. Vodka Martinis.Reading more, watching tv less. Extremely hot soup. The sun on my bare torso. Connecting. Edamame. Men with tattoos. Women with awesome legs. People who smile with their eyes. Bein' a Pretentious Barefooter . Dolmas. Coffee that's "Black as the moon on a moonless night."____________________
Looking to meet new friends from all walks of life... unless you're a freak. Then I DEFINITELY wanna meet you.So if you cool you're my kinda cat. Let's get our talk on bro, allright?
Glósóli by Sigur Ros , Uh-Merica by Regina Spektor , Girls by Death in Vegas , See My Friends by Gravenhurst , I Will Survive by Cake , Baba O'Reilly (Live) by The Blue Man Group , Carabou by
The Pixies , When You Wasn't Famous by
The Streets , Face It by
Moby , and Liar- Live by Henry Rollins, with Rollins Band My ears are my fortune. I get off on all kinds of sounds . Wind chimes, cofee brewing, birdsong, leaves crunching beneath my tread, thunder, and the thud of mail dropped in box if expecting a parcel turn me on. If I hear a bagpipe being played live, I almost immediately begin to weep.Make sure you check out my Misterz Manos- The Lounge of Fate Music Profile for some originally designed oddball soundscapes by yours truly.____________________
TheatrePicnic came and went on the train. It was a beautiful thing. Thanks to all that came to see it. Photo blog is forthcoming.In October 2007, I direct The Tragedy of Macbeth for Shakespeare Dallas.Theatre is all-encompassing. I hate the stereotype that it's an elitist entertainment. I've been involved with shows for adults that have been profound, transcendental experiences. And I've created Shakespearian shows for kids that had them laughing their little hearts out.Make sure you check out these photos from the production of Twelfth Night , which I directed in October 2005.____________________
David Lynch's Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland EmpireInland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire Inland Empire ____________________
They obsession with sassy teen girls was recently killed with the cancelation of Veronica Mars , after three mere seasons. I hate television. And I don't want to talk about it.____________________
King Dork by Frank Portman was amazing. Winkie by Clifford Chase moved my ass. Scott Smith's grisly The Ruins was gross. Truman Capote's In Cold Blood is happening now.I couldn't be more excited about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows coming out in mere weeks!I'm also into C.S. Lewis' The Narnia Chronicles and Madeline L'Engle's Time Quartet . Also a big Sherlock Holmes fan. Really dig the plays of Sam Shepard. And you can't go wrong with the lean-mean career of JD Salinger.Love The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Was by Geoff Ryman is a headfuck. You're missing out if you've never read House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Always up for re-reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.Finally, as far a THE MAN goes, you can look no further than William Shakespeare's The Tempest and The Tragedy of Macbeth. They are two perfect stories, told perfectly.____________________
David Lynch (pictured below)is my absolute muse, inspiration and aspiration.Helen Keller, who not only learned to speak but spoke three differnt languages. Mistro Paul Giamatti. Raphael Parry (my theatrical father.) Ryan White. Rosa Parks. Cesar Chavez. Martian Luther King Jr. Jamie Schield. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Harvey Milk.The endlessly talented Douglass Burks who taught me how to pupeteer.My parents Elida and Eliazar who marched with Cesar Chavez in the 70's.The Bard (pictured below.) So many damn questions.Finally, to all of the fearless mother fuckers who take a stand (any kind of stand) against indifference, intolerence and injustice: You are what truly makes this country great. I have your back, bros.____________________
Quotes"Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes."
-Emily Dickinson"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Gandi"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture- it's a really stupid thing to want to do." -Elvis Costello"Although social change cannot occur overnight, we must work for it as though it were a possibility in the morning." -Martin Luther King, Jr."If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry."
-Emily Dickinson____________________
Henry RollinsYes, I have a Henry Rollins section.Shouldn't everyone?Below: Rollins Band performs Starve on Saturday Night Live.Below: Rollins Band performs Burned Beyond Recognition in 2006.Below: Henry Rollins writes a letter to Ann Coulter. Lucky, lucky her.Below: Rollins Band performs Tearing Us Apart on The Dennis Miller Show. The audio is somewhat out-of-synch with the video.Below: Henry Rollins on Telemarketing and Relationships.Below: Rollins Band, Volume 4.Below: Henry Rollins Documentary, Easter Sunday NYC by Albert Watson.Below: Rollins Band, Liar LIVE.Rollins Band, What Do You Do LIVE in Florence, Italy, 1992.