i am interested in plenty of things, with time travel being at the top of the list.
i am not interested in those of you who conduct yourselves in a manner unbefitting your station in life (i.e., stop acting as though you were raised by wolves... your mothers would be horrified by such behavior; a nice start would be to for you to put on some clothes and stop demanding that the attention of the world--be it positive or negative--be paid exclusively to you).
who would i like to meet? let's see...
a. i'd like to meet anyone who has the ability to carry on a conversation for an hour or so without giving me the distinct impression that they are lying about one or more things.
b. someone who knows the difference between the words "love" and "like."
c. someone who doesn't secretly dream of being radically different than they appear to be.
d. someone who isn't so obsessed with their own appearance/public image/popularity that they forget what actually matters in life.
e. the inventor of time travel, assuming they'll be willing to share.
f. someone who believes in me for real, especially when i am least wonderful (i believe the traditional terminology is "for better and for worse, in sickness and in health."
am i asking too much? probably CORRECTION: I have tested that last question extensively and I have reached a definitive conclusion: yes, yes i am indeed asking for way, way, way too much, particularly in relationship to letters b and f as listed above.
makes me want to drive my car off a fucking bridge. nevertheless, i somehow find it impossible to ignore. i suppose "ignore" is a bit short of the truth; no, i don't just consume it, i also create the stuff. Need proof? Okay, ye of little faith, click this:
When I am not insulting the very idea of songwriting, singing and playing guitar, i play the drums in a band that actually understands what it means to be a band (i.e., we have fun--though you might not get that impression based on our currently posted demos):
More? I also own a music store:
Finally (as if those weren't enough) I own a recording studio:
it might be lame is totally stupid for me think this way (let alone admit it in public), but pretty much all you need to know about my life is (unfortunately) summarized by this movie:
Mad Men, Family Ties, Shark Week and anything playing at Niko's house.
don't help, but i'll keep trying.
sleeping pills, on the rare occasion that they actually help. anyone who invents time travel and would be willing to share its secrets with me (I needn't travel far, just a year or three... okay, maybe ten years, tops).