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Unicorns kick ass

About Me


My Interests

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah, writing, reading, music, movies, comma.


Pink Floyd, Lamb, PJ Harvey, Elysian Fields, Depeche Mode, Archive, Ravel, Chopin, Keith Jarret, Portishead, Ani Difranco, Fiona Apple, Poe, Vysotsky, Tal'kov, Kino, Julia Vorontsova, B-2, DDT, much much more.


Grave of the Fireflies, Clerks, Snatch, Fight Club, American Beauty, Spirited Away, Braveheart, City of God, Amelie, Waking Life, Requiem for a Dream, A Clockwork Orange, Pulp Fiction, 12 stuliev, Ironia sud'by.


Deadwood, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Southpark, Married with Children.


Authentic Kabbalah (Yehuda and Baruch Ashlag, Michael Laitman, ARI) above and beyond all else. Then there's the Martian Chronicles, The Song of Ice and Fire, Stranger in a Strange Land, 100 Years of Solitude, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Lorien Lost, The God of Small Things, LotR, Gibel' Bogov, Zolotoy Telenok, Asimov, Dumas, Le Guin, Conan Doyle, more more more.


Stewy Griffin, Brain from Pinky and the Brain, Al Bundy.

My Blog

Crazy Women Building Castles in the Sky

             Shadows crawl in a half-lit room, tiger-like, as flickers of candlelight disperse and reassemble with animated resolve.   ...
Posted by Mark on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 08:13:00 PST