I am a unicycling-guitar playing-volunteering-graphic designer. After year 12 I get to go to college, I can't wait! It has been my biggest dream to go to Qantm ever since I found out about it in year 8, I just have this feeling it is where I am meant to be, I know I can do it. Graphic design is way fun! I get to make cool things, for myself and other people, and even if they seem pretty simple to me, other people get so much out of them, and it’s nice! If I didn’t design I wouldn’t be me!
I also take photographs, but i'm not as great at that as i want to be, i say [photography&design] cause its sounds better than [design&photography].
I often am making designs such as posters for local youth events and gigs, sometimes my local council asks me to make posters for there youth events, sometimes they pay me!
I sometimes they ask me if i can take some photographs of gigs and bands cause they are all crap at photography... generally they are nice, and its cool! But the whole council have my mobile and always ring me! :)
I'm slowly updating my page!