Miss Devylish profile picture

Miss Devylish

Now with 50% more sass!

About Me

I like sass. I like sassy people.. and sassy pants.. I happen to have both. Along with some killer boots, it makes a good outfit. I have a colorful vocabulary as well as personality. I've got spunk and you'll like it.. trust me. I work on direct. None of this watered-down-vague sort of people or answers.. I tell it like it is. But don't hold it against me. I'm just like anyone else - maybe a bit more prolific - working my way thru life and trying to figure it all out.And if you're so inclined, the REAL BLOG is here:--http://missdevylish.blogspot.com

My Interests

Coffee, late nights, kissing, brunch, people-watching, movies, reading, theatre, live music, hiking, trivia night, stouts & cosmos, quick-witted sarcasm, 3pm chocolate fixes, 2am booty calls, really good jeans, cribbage, my birthday, mac n' cheese, honesty, ellipses, cake...

I'd like to meet:

If you really want to know.. the basics are, in friends and others: confidence, kindness, intelligence, a sharp wit, and a willingness to laugh at yourself are qualities that are always sexy. I love people who laugh as loudly as I do even when it's not appropriate and especially at random things like those little square cards you get at Hallmark.. damn funny shit.. You need to be able to handle it when I interrupt a perfectly nice conversation in the car and yell at the stupid driver who just cut me off or didn't signal. After I get that out, I'm fine. Really. I look for sincerely good people to add to my life. I love meeting new people who have new ideas, who can teach me a new way to think, a new way to feel, and to experience something they cherish.


Fiction Plane, Lily Allen, Snow Patrol, Brandi Carlile, KT Tunstall, Jem, Foo Fighters, Pete Yorn, Sting, Coldplay, Ben Folds, trance, Aimee Mann, The Killers, Fiona Apple, G.Love & Special Sauce, the Indigo Girls, Jonatha Brooke, Tom Waits, Neil Finn, Ella Fitzgerald, Imogen Heap, The Shins, John Mayer, Miguel Migs, Mark Farina, Sarah Bettens


Waitress, Knocked Up, Dogville, Big Fish, American Beauty, The Royal Tenenbaums, Office Space, Princess Bride, The Usual Suspects, Swingers, Elizabeth, Goodfellas, The Professional, Confidence, Shawshank Redemption, Amelie, Chicago, Best In Show, The Hudsucker Proxy, Almost Famous, Zoolander, Waiting for Guffman.


Desperate Housewives, Lost, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes


Me Talk Pretty One Day (or anything by David Sedaris), I, Lucifer, Lamb, the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, Memoirs of a Geisha, Angela's Ashes, Catcher in the Rye or anything by Salinger, Shakespeare, Rilke, Maya Angelou.

My Blog

Me, the shrink..

I went out w/ my best friend whom I don't see very often.. and after lots of talk, she just surprised me by telling me she thinks I should learn how to be a counselor therapist type.. as a profession....
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Want your GST back? Here you go.. NOT!

So I'm driving back from Canada last weekend.. I have lots of receipts and as an American, we're entitled to get that money back under certain conditions.. none of which are ever made known to you unt...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Getting on....

I will start out by saying.. this will not, I repeat, NOT, be a sad and sorry post.. Nope. But I will say this - my heart is currently broken. That I must be honest about.. However, it is not everythi...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New things and good days

I love good days.. I mean, well, who doesn't, right? It's like those romantic profiles that say 'loves to laugh'.. like there's actually people out there who hate it.. stop themselves mid-giggle and c...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


January was lovely.. couldn't have been a better start to the new year. I met a great guy, so I thought, and spent this last month in an utter happiness I haven't felt in a very long time. I could act...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'm fucking irritable today - not from pms, not cuz it's dreary out.. no major drama other than work sucks sometimes.. I've been here going on 2 months now.. and I still can't get much help.. When I ...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Broken, but happy..

I'm a pigeon-toed girl.. ever so slightly. Ok, maybe not just slightly, but let's just say, small children don't point and laugh and do Angel-walking imitations cuz I'm so freakish.. it's a slight bod...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Blog Virgin

So.. this is my first ever blog. Yes, I'm a late bloomer.. just got a dvd player for Christmas joining the masses in fit-in-your-palm movie rentals.. and didn't get roller blades until last summer. Yo...
Posted by Miss Devylish on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST