-A NoN FicTiOn NiGgA- profile picture

-A NoN FicTiOn NiGgA-

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Heres the 411: My name is Richard, Ricky to everyone else(yes u!) Imma let you know now that Im not with the bullshit,liars,and fake people(If you have any of those symptoms leave now) im a straight-forward,smart,mean,wild, loud,random,laid-back,type of guy. I currently attend the Art Institute of Washington my major is media arts & animation, i plan on studying culinary arts after I'm done here. To the ladies: I'm single not really looking for anything right now, i'm just doin me,(((focused))) to get school over with...but if I feel like your the one to settle down wit...who knowz ;) other than that hit me up..***My FutUrE BiKe***I get my Free MySpace Layouts at LayoutStreet.com

My Interests

Im inTeresteD in Girlz...i mean Whoz Not intereSted in Girlz...BesiDez Gay PplL (no OfFenCe...But itZ tru) im iNterEsted In what u Wanna knoW bouT me (i HearD soMe cRaZii AsS sh*T in mY liFe)....Nd the GovernmEnt...Dem sum Sneaky Sonz Of B***hez!

I'd like to meet:

***Nun LeFt To SaY******GabRiElle UnIoN***


Rap...Nd ummmm Hip hop...Sum RnB spriNklEd heAr nd There, ROck...if U dun Like ROck Turn The BasS up and Blast That sh*T whEn Ur angry Or aboUt to Fight! BelievE mE it Workz!!! o And Techno Iz Fun lol....Nd beliEve it Or not.....Sum G0~gO whEn Ur DruNk iS fuN lol ;) ShoutOutZ to LuDacrIs, Lil Wayne, Nd DipsEt!*** Pac Nd BiGgiE***


***All feMales Should watch nd leArn sumn From this***iF u Wanna Kno About Me And movieZz rEmEmBer This:I loVe HoRroR MovieS!!! heRes Some oF my FavoRitEz:..CasiNo Nd FridaY!!!Next Friday,Friday after next, JaCk Ass 2,Rush Hour, Rush hour 2, Dont be a menace in south central while drinking your juice in the hood,Scary movie 1 nd 2,White Chixz,Texas chainsaw massacre,all the Halloweenz(miChaEl MyeRz iS my Nig),Saw,saw 2,Saw 3,The PursiT of HappiNesS,freddy vs jason,LiFe,NutTy Pr0fFesSoR, NutTy ProFeSsor The KLuMpz,The KinGs oF comEDy,KiLlA SeaSon,Bad Boys 1 anD 2,FouR BrotheRs,The SoutHpaRk Movie,ThE RunDown,ScaRfaCe,Ble StreAk,eDdIe GriffiNs DysfuNktional FamIly,The hillS Have Eyes,cRasH,HarlEm NightS(if u havent seen it i suggest that you do),The LongEst YarD,SwaT,MadEas FamiLy ReuniOn,MaDea GoEs To Jail,BarBersHop,BarBershop 2,The LeprachaUn 1-2-3-in the hood- and back to Tha Hood,MeeT the Family, Meet The FockeRs,50 fiRst Datez,RemembeR The TitanS,Bo0ty Call,It 1-2,FinaL DesTinAtioN,ElF,HoneY I Shrunk the Kids,Scream 1-2-3,I know what You did Last summer, Nightmare On Elm StreeT 1-2-3-4,Menace 2 society,BoyZ n The HooD, and others that i dun fe3l like writin down


Chappelles Show((((Funny Shit)))),UFC(I shOulD Be FigHtin In haT ShiT AS Im TYpiN thIs),The Real World (imma Be on That sHow One Day) FlaVor Of lovE, Southpark, Robot chicken,Family guy, The Bo0nd0ckz,Porn,JACKAsS, and w/e else i haPpen to Turn t0 w3n iM bo0red!


1 oF mY AlL tiMe FavoRitEz...ThE Catcher in the rye,TruE StoRy oF thE tHrEe lItTlE piGs(The woLfz Side of ThE StoRy)lol Nd i like reading ..andmagazines...idk wHat they are....ThEy were creAted by soMe old whiTe guy in a mar0on and black roBe...nd TheRez a BunNy on tha cover!!! hmm I d k


#1 God,My parents, my older sis, Martin Luther King Jr. Nd Barack O'Bama

My Blog

General Confession

Almighty God,Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, judge of all men, we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness which we from time to time most grieviously have commit...
Posted by -A NoN FicTiOn NiGgA- on Tue, 06 May 2008 11:32:00 PST

All Alone

I wake up in the morning take a knee and thank god,Then go to the mirror look myself in the eyesToday i didn't wake up with a woman on my side,Yesterday, i didn't wake up with a woman on my sideNeithe...
Posted by -A NoN FicTiOn NiGgA- on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:02:00 PST

ITz BaCk

I Can feel the PAIN coming...creeping its way back into my life once again,I guess it wasnt finished the first time(a little after four years ago) Everyone can see how i am,the way i act,the...
Posted by -A NoN FicTiOn NiGgA- on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 01:15:00 PST