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About Me

Draw or Die, is a group of drawing enthusiasts, which arranges drawing-events, with an intention to increase an interest in drawing.

Through arranging unconventional drawing events, where the act of drawing is more emphasized than the result, have Draw or Die tried reaching an audience which normally would not draw.

Draw or Die E-mail

Check out some of our projects

Draw or Die Web
Vienna DC
"Death Draw"
Glasgow DC Web

My Interests

Drawing, Felt Pens, Overhead Projectors, Socializing, Battling, Money, Looking, Talking, Music, Pencils, Magazines, Tea, Coffee, Cookies, Colors, Events, Exhibitions, Concerts...

I'd like to meet:

GLOBAL DC looks something like this:

"Death Draw" draws till only one remains:

Glasgow DC Draws with everyone:


Jacksson Pollock, Holbein, Leonardo Da Vinci, William Kentridge, Jesper Waldersten, Trenton Doyle Hancock, Henry Darger, Elfride, Jockum Nordstrom,

My Blog

Draw or Die @ Market Gallery and Lowsalt in September/October

Draw or Die has two upcoming events planed in Glasgow. First of all are we going to make another "Death Draw" in Low Salt gallery. It is just when schools starts and we hope that many people will come...
Posted by DRAW OR DIE on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 10:39:00 PST

Draw in Lowsalt

Posted by DRAW OR DIE on Fri, 11 May 2007 04:00:00 PST