I am very much into music.
Historians and Pilots. Interesting people. Non-Interesting people. Water signs, Earth signs, Fire signs, and Air signs. I guess if you are reading this, then I would like to meet you. Or at very least talk.
Led Zeppelin, Modest Mouse, Pink Floyd, The Cars, The Talking Heads, The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Cake, The Beatles, Guns N' Roses, Beach Boys, Magnetic Fields, Gwen Stafani, Interpol, Heart, CCR, Charlie Daniels, Blondie, Big and Rich, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Johnny Cash, No Doubt, Outkast, The Presidents of the United States of America, Pytor Il'yich Tchaikovsky, Queen, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Robert Palmer, Styx, The Unicorns, Smashing Pumpkins, Unknown Artist.
Super Troopers, The Hunt for Red October, We Were Soldiers, Saints and Soldiers, Many more. Ask and I have probably saw it.
History and Comedy keep my blood flowing.
Born on the Fourth of July, Catcher in the Rye, The Dark Tower Series By Stephen King.
Zongo the Hardcore Butterfly.