matt profile picture


He is always watching...err, wait. No, he's not.

About Me

I am a painter and student of psychology. Other interests include, but are not limited to: neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, metal and music in general, piranha keeping, fast driveing, social-constructivism and consciousness exploration. I want to know how the human mind and brain work down to the purpose of every neuron firing. I do not feel like this would removde the majic from existance, but instead bring us closer to understanding actual reality which must be far more amazing than anything humans have ever dreamt up.

Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do
what you must do. People would consider you
someone to rely on, and one who keeps his
word when he gives it.

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
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My Interests

Aikido, Iaido, metal, piranha keeping, and driving my caddy (sold the caddy, now its driving my Impala, that will change soon Im sure)--(Ok, ok, ok now its driving my 07 Accord SE-V6, this better be the last car for a while). I also love those disturbing muppet quizes. I wanted to put up the crackhead transvesite hooker elmo one, but then I decided that I didnt want people thinking I am a small red fuzzy crackhead. Now if you decide to construe that I am a half imaginary vampire-mammoth that obsessively tries to kill myself, well, that is fine by me
The Count's Obsessive-Compulsive DisorderIt started with a simple affection for counting and
the terror it induced in others, didn't it?
But now it's turned into a full-blown
life-consuming chaotic nightmare of order,
repetition, zealousness, and perfectionism.
You used to be so grand, but now you find
yourself obsessively worrying over the
littlest things--like, maybe if you don't
check the light switch at least once every
two minutes, the electricity will go out (and
damnit, you're a vampire--that shouldn't be a
problem!), or maybe if you don't wash your
hands until your seams are coming out, you'll
get some fatal disease. Get yourself some

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
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I'd like to meet:

people who are themselves. not stupid people.
Snuffy's Suicide AttemptsPoor baby, life is rough for you, huh? No one
seems to see you, no one notices your
pain--except for your friend Big Bird, but
he's alway off hanging out with his other
friends. You wish you were him, all happy
and curious and popular and bright yellow.
You feel like his shadow anymore, like the
only reason you exist is to amuse him. It's
hard being somebody's imaginary friend. But
stop trying to kill yourself--imaginary
people can't kill themselves. Sorry. And
hey, maybe tomorrow you'll feel better! Someday people will see you, I promise.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Death Metal: Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Immolation, ect...
Black Metal: Deathspell Omega, Immortal, Dawn, ect...
Rock: Clutch, Fumanchu, The Obsesse......
Hip hop: Sage Francis, Atmosphere, Beasty Boys
Jazz: Jon Scofield, Medesky Martin and Wood


are good


adult swim, comedy central, House


anything i can learn from


pee-wee herman....that guy just dont give a fuck...Richard Dawkins

My Blog

a qoute form Goerge Ledyard Sensei

This spoke to me so I decided to post it- "In traditional Asian social hierarchy, the warriors are recognized as being up on the social scale. Not the highest, but up there. What all systems unifor...
Posted by matt on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 12:28:00 PST

An attempt at explaining my world view

An old Japanese folk-tale of an adventureous young man who wanted to see the difference between heaven and hell as told by Mitsugi Soatome Shihan. "He first looked upon hell and saw many people seated...
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


damn thing just killed $300 worth of dress shirts. time for a new wardrobe. grrrrrr.
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


damn that felt good. im done whoring now. no more pretty faces just for the sake of it. no more fetish models just trying to promote there sites. no more actress/models trying to promote thier careers...
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bored with myspace....

im getting really bored with this site. if i can i think im not gonna log in for a few days. its gonna be tough considering its additive powers. most of the people on here arnt really interested in ta...
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

cough cough...... i got this thing yeah. and does cool stuff.
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Today tragedy occured in the Boone household. Count Ghostshrimp, my smallest piranha was murdered by his three companions Count Deamon Hagar Bjorinjord The Second, Lord Fleshripper, and Lord Hellfish ...
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Why the fuck do people feel the need to put up pioctures of their penises that stupid cool new people section there was some guy holding his dick.doesnt the upload section say no nudity. thi...
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Dear Matt, You were wonderfull last night. Ive never been touched the way you touched me. Passion seemed to surge form your every touch. You make me feel so complete. Cant wait to see you again...
Posted by matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST