Film, dance, choreography, theatre, literature, partying, martial arts, playstation 2/3, girls!
Anyone really. Although if you have a similarity to either Pink or Kylie, there may be trouble!! haha
Totally eclectic. Allsorts, from Scissor sisters to the Prodigy, Pink, Queen, Gwen Stefani, Madonna, Prince, Alanis Morrisette, Chemical Brothers, Kaiser cheifs, Muse, Kylie. All cheesy 70's stuff!
Harry Potter (all of 'em!) Indiana Jones. Neverending story. The Rose. Back 2 the Future. The Goonies. Weird Science. Star wars. Spiderman. First wives club. Big. Forrest gump. Fright night. The company of wolves. Poltergeist. ANYTHING by Mr. Speilburg, & ANYTHING with Tom Hanks in! Musicals, musicals I LOVE MUSICALS!!
The L word. Lost. Will and Grace. Scrubs. Friends. Heroes. Roseanne. The X files. The Simpsons. Family guy. Fraggle rock. Tom and Jerry..
Well, yes, BLOODY LOVE 'EM!! (Although I think J K Rowling & Dan Brown are bloody marverlous!!) 'Popcorn' (Ben Elton) & The sound of laughter (Peter Kay) made me laugh, really hard!!!
My Mum and Bruce Lee (Although there's NO similarity!) Mind you, if I ever got to meet Stephen speilburg, I would defenately faint!!