Dr.LuV'e profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

hihihi..me airol..simple person,quite a nice guy..huhu,no harm to get near me,i like when people smile,pleezz smile..and i'm juz an ordinary malay man seeking for extraordinary life...and lastly..love is everything but dun ever hope for something that can satisfy everything...body background=http://www.wallpaperbase.com/wallpapers/movie/sup erman/superman_1.jpghttp://www.thejoycircuit.co.uk/wallpaper /hewitt/p5/CW_198_Jennifer_Love_Hewitt.jpghttp://www.shaniat wain.com/files/ST-wallpaper-3-800x600.jpg"http://rds.yahoo.c om/l=IVI/SIG=13ipobk2s/EXP=1133719280.r{}**http%3a//www.carf ax-abbey.com/wallpaper/images/asiawallpaper3800.jpg"

My Interests

to do something that i like it much....and really put ma' full afford to it...once i'm in the line...i gonna catch it, gonna feel it, gonna taste it.....i'll use it wisely....juz to satisfied ma'self....bBBbbuUuuuZZzzz...(hush!!still BbUuuZzz ing around huh!!)

I'd like to meet:

aLL GhoSts Out tHerE.....dUN cArE MalE oR FemAle...i'LL AlWAyz WaitInG FoR u......



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GhOSt...gHoSt...GhOSt...eerr..and flash away..


kamus dewan bahasa versi ke lapan,i hate...books...


ma' heroes...of cause ma mom....and ma' dad..and the one inside the mirror...