Family ,friends, food, trying to balance life to reach my ultimate plain.Meditation, much needed relaxation.Everyday people, Mr. Wendel, Bag lady.Giving back to the less fortunate who deserve it, not to the ones who pretend they need it.Reconnecting with lost souls from my life. Overcoming my fears.Finding the true purpose of my exisitance.Changing the world one note at a time.Leaving not small impressions but massive dents for realization.Reduce, Re-use. Recycle.Finding change under the couch.Finding money in the washing machine or dryer.ZARIEN my love, my life, my soul keeper, my son.
Anyone ,everyone, come one, come all, I need new bridges, mend old bridges, restore burnt bridges because life is so unexpected and nothing is guaranteed.
What else is greater than the music your soul is drawn to....what the heart desires and the mind comprehends...NOTHING!!!!.....Music is the language of the people near and far...dark or light, old or is key.
Boondock Saints, Godfather trilogy, Scarface, Lilo and Stitch, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Anything with Johnny Dep baby!!! Oh hell how about we just watch movies together b/c this shit is too damn long to type. HAHAHHA video.html
PRISON BREAK, gotta love it. DSC, TLC, MTV, VH1, What ever is on that is good. TV IS GREAT..sometimes....=/
MY SON Zarien ...HE SAVED ME FROM MYSELF.......HE HOLDS MY HEART AND SOUL WITH JUST ONE LOOK IN HIS EYES. The new edition to my life my baby girl Nevaeha who is teaching me patience and understanding in raising two beautiful children in a harsh world.GOD my perpetual light, Jesus Christ my savior in life.