Excrementory Grindfuckers are a band which doesn't take anything seriously especially the band itself. If you want to listen to pure grind and nothing but grind, you can check out one of those 3359583 grindcorebands out there. If you like music that is just meant to be strange, entertaining or at least funny, there's a chance you might like us.
Here's a short biography:
- Rob searched for fellows to start a counterpart to his soloproject Counterforce ("Popdivas Go Metal") and met singer Him
- Him and Rob firmed the Excrementory Grindfuckers as a recordingproject
- the album "Guts Gore Grind" has made its way into the internet
- first gig with live drummer Christus
- Nebelmacht-album released
- release of our second album "Fertigmachen, Szeneputzen!"
- guitarist Henni joined the band
- a few gigs followed including the Sundown-Festival
- tour support for Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
- Henni left the band, Rufus joined the band as guitarist
- more gigs followed including the Party.San and Dong-Open-Air
- the package-tour called Fleischmarsch went accross Germany together with Japanische Kampfhörspiele and Jack Slater
- Him left the band, Rufus became our singer
- Bassman Pempas joined the band
- appearance on the Summer Breeze Festival
- live premiere in the Netherlands
- release of the album "Bitte nicht vor den Gästen!"
- live premiere in Austria
- re-release of "Guts, Gore & Grind"
- first gigs in Switzerland and Latvia confirmed
- Grindfuckers will play on this years' Wacken