This life is so fucking beautiful. You can achieve anything if you really want it. Yes, I am an optimist :).
You can find me where the music is infernally loud and people are drunk and enjoy themselves.
All my friends are crazy and so am I. You can expect anything from me. Although... I've been rather calm lately. :)
I don't like babblers (no, I really hate babblers!), boring and conservative people, spiders, needles and people who wake me up in the middle of the night without any reason.
One nice guy told I drink and swear too much for a girl but still everyone thinks I'm nice :)))))) You're gonna like me :)
I live in Vienna but I'm still involved into the life of Webzine which is the largest metal-related site in Latvia.
MetalMusic.LV MySpace
email: [email protected]
skype: bona-fide