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Welcome to Fine Abstractions

About Me

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!---UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!---UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!_____________________________________________ ___________________________ALL PRINTS ARE COPYWRITTEN!!!______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ALL CURRENT WORKS ARE 3X5 BLACK AND WHITE PRINTS. THE QUALITY IS GREATER THAN THAT SHOWN IN MY PICTURES SECTION. THEY HAVE BEEN SCANNED IN SUCH A WAY TO ASSIST IN DETERING THEFT. COLOR PRINTS WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE AS WELL. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________-IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN MORE INFO PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME @ [email protected] OR, JUST SEND ME A MESSAGE. YOUR PATIENCE IS APPRECIATED. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________Greetings; My name is Nicholas Winsett. I have created this space for all of you who enjoy collecting Fine Abstract prints. I've been producing what I dub - "Abstract Web Themes" since highschool, and have posted my work here, shareing it with all who may enjoy it. I currently live alone in a studio which I rent in East Lansing, Michigan. Ahh, the life of a bachelor. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________ You will find that these works are very unique and a meticulous undertaking, made to stir your senses at the deepest of levels. The style flows out of me natrually and has always been my exclusive form of expression through this medium. I use pens and markers on cover paper. The markers of color are 0.3 mm and the outline (shell) is done with 0.1 and 0.3 mm markers. Eventually I will be doing most of the shell with 0.3 mm and the colored markers will be 0.1 mm to provide better detail. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ I've lost every work I've created in the past. The works you can see in my (pics) section are the only works there are in exsistance, although, starting over brings a fresh new feeling and a well collected approach into the work. Nowhere on the planet have I seen the same kind of style and flow that I have created. This is my first attempt at sharing my art online. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ________________________- It takes a very patient mind and steady hand in order to produce such finely detailed pieces. You can veiw my gallery in my (pics) section. Thank-you for your interest and I look forward to reading your comments as well as experiancing works of your own. ---Nicholas
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