My Mottos:
1. Don't Step Into The Bull Pen Unless You're Ready to Ride!
2. Focus Is Critical To Success. Know Your Lane!
3.Stay Cleaner Than A Boiled Artichoke!
4. If It Seems Simple, Dig Into The Details. If It Seems Complex,Figure Out How To Simplify It. Cover All Angles!
5. Let's Call A Spade A Spade!
6. You Better Believe Fat Meat Is Greasy!
7. If You're Going To Do Something Push It To The Limit!
8. If You Come At Me With Fluff I Will Pluck Your Navel!
9. Blood In Blood Out!
10. If You Knew Better You Would Choose Better!
11. Grind Like Metal In A Meat Factory!
12. Stay Hungry& Humble!
13. If You Want To Hide Something From Someone, Put It In A Book!
14. If You Love Math, You Got The Edge Over Most People!
15. "I Rather Die Like A Solider, Than Live Like A Coward"! The Great Legend Tupac
16. The Girth Will Give Birth!
17. It's In My Genotype To Shine Like Casino Lights And It's In My Phenotype To Squeeze Cash Out The World Like Lemons!
18. What The Wise Do In The Beginning, The Fools Do In The End !
19. Most People Are Herd Followers, Not Trendsetters! Only Follow The Herd If It's The Best Option!
20." Opportunity is missed by most people because its dressed in overalls and looks like work" Thomas A. Edison!
21." In the business world, the rear view mirror is allows clearer than the windshield" Warren Buffet
22.For every 30 minutes you have to make a decision, spend 20 minutes looking at history and 10 minutes on the future!
23.If You Don’t Want To Loss Your Pants & Your Shirt In Business Try To Always Stay Cool, Stoic, & Level Headed!
24.I Don't Care About A Work Life Balance! The Most Important Balance Is In My Bank Account!
25.I Do What I Do For The Thrill Of Success & The Love Of Solving Problems! The Money Is Just A Scorecard!
26.The Strategist,The Capital Allocator, The Deal Maker,The Aggregator & The Investor Makes The Most Money In This World !
27."Small Minds Discuss People, Average Minds Discuss Events,Great Minds Discuss Ideas"! The Distinguished Creole from Cali
28.""Pigs Get Fat, While Hogs Get Slaughtered"! Lou Bass
29.""It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not"!
30.""The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."! Vince Lombardi
31."We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten." Bill Gates
32.Age isn't anything but a number! Many examples of this concept exist! It's all about how you perceive yourself! Don't be your biggest Hater! Be your biggest Cheerleader! For example, Samuel L. Jackson was a super late bloomer in Hollywood! He was already 46 years old when Pulp Fiction (1994) premiered and has acted in an average of 3-4 films a year since. He didn't reach his peak until his 50 in a business where actors usually peak in their 20's &30's!
33. My Death Anthem: "And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain. ... Regrets, I've had a few; But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway, But more, much more than this, I did it my way!"Frankie "Baby" Sinatra
34." The best ideas are the simplest ideas"! Jeff "NBC" Zucker (This is relative of course!)
35." For hard-core entrepreneurs, spotting business opportunities isn't just a passion -- it's an obsession. That's a good thing, too, since today's ancillary business unit may be tomorrow's cash cow -- possibly even outstripping the business that spawned it." A Couple Real Rich Dudes!
36. Diversity is the lifeblood of LA,California, Creativity,&Innovation.
37. Successful investing requires inspiration, a special effort of commitment of time and energy, and attention and focus. One of the reasons investors make mistakes is because they don’t pay enough attention. People are capable of extraordinary brilliance, but they don’t often know where to apply it. They end up following the herd and not thinking independently. It’s not just a matter of smarts. It’s a matter of being able to sustain interest."Robert Schiller" Author Of Irrational Exuberance
38.Always Feel Like Your Only Worth A Thousand Bucks! Stay Thrift Like Thrifty ( You Have To Be From Cali To Understand the Last Line)!
39."Many of life's failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up"Thomas Edison
40.When you fail at anything, ask yourself this question: Was it a bad idea or ahead of its time?
41. Human nature causes most people to veer to one side of the spectrum, but the best solution is to stand in the middle and pull ideas from both sides to create the best outcome.
42." Science & Math Is The Prerequisite For Innovation".Susan Hockfield- Brookings Institution
43." It is better to be approximately right than precisely wrong." " Warren Buffet"
44.Academia Usually Misunderstands The Psychology of Serial Decision Makers By A Huge Margin."
45.Sex, Drugs, Violence, Sports,Controversy & Fantasy Sells .
46. Newer, Bigger, Higher,And/Or More Does Not Mean It's Best Or Better."
47.Your Relationships With Humans Should Not Be Based On Race or Religion! It Should Based On Class and Interests!
48.The Best Way To Make A Decision: 80% quantitive&20% qualitative!Triangulate both approaches.The rest of the potential outcome is based on luck and probability. The bigger the opportunity, the more you scrutinize the numbers! If time and resources don't permit, use your intuition or the intuition of a sound consensus!
49.The Tried & The Tested Usually Beats The Bold & New!
50.The Average Person Is Too Whimsical. Actions Speak Loud Than Words!!
51.Most man-made items have substitutes ; it’s the things nature provides that are usually invaluable!!!
52.Practice Makes Perfect!!!
53.Don't come around me unless your the pick of the litter in whatever you engage in!!!
54.The Game Of Business & Investing Is More Exciting Than Any Spectator Sport!!!
55.""You should invest in a business that even a fool can run, because someday a fool will." Warren E. Buffett!!!
56." Can I offer you a product in Entertainment,Media,Sports,Fitness,or Nutrition !!!
57." Listen, question, and then talk is the protocol !!!
58." I live and die by the element of surprise!!!Staying stealth till I die! It’s the best way to capitalize on anything!!!!
59." The Greatest Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It"!"Peter Ducker"
60.Great Marketing builds awareness and creates recognition. Great Products builds a loyal customer base and enthusiasts that continue to strengthen the brand.
61. Grass roots marketing, multi-level marketing, and direct selling have made many legal businesses thrive, but the greatest example of penetration is the fragmented but potent distribution network of organized crime families!
62. "Stay clear of the press: no interviews, no panels, no speeches, no comments. Stay out of the spotlight—it fades your suit"!"A Jerrold Perenchio"
63. Invest where there are clear shortages! The price to supply the underserved market is relatively cheap and the customer is willing to pay a premium for quality!
Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: California Gold
Jim Cramer says it's time to look to the Golden State to make some money. California, which is bigger than most countries, represents most, if not all, of the trends and problems in this nation, Cramer told viewers of his "Mad Money" TV show Wednesday. Wall Street is not paying attention to the state as a way to make money, but "if you want to beat the market, you need to notice things before the analysts do," he said. "That way you get to the right stocks before everyone else does." Cramer I Second That Motion!