Pegs profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm happily married to my very best friend, David and we have two grown children that I love with every inch of my being: we have our son Isaac, who lives in AR and a sweet daughter, Lizzy, who joined the military. We have a very, very spoiled 16.5 lbs., Maine Coone Cat with long black and white hair, named: ShakaraCat aka Shackie Baby. She's the goddess of the home and mama's baby girl.
I have been a published author/poet, professional movie reviewer and a freelance book reviewer, PR for LIONS GATE FILMS, bar tender/server, Dairy Queen Manager, and now a PHARMACY TECHNICIAN.
My beautiful Lizzy graduated the naval BOOTCAMP in Great Lakes, IL January 4th of 2008, Graduated ATT school in Great Lakes, Illionis, and will be graduating her A-School TOMORROW June 18, 2008. She will be graduating FIRST IN NAVY and missed FIRST in CLASS to a Marine by a measily 05%. BRAVO ZULU, SAILOR!
Her job is helo/plane electrician/electronics (Aircraft Electrical Interface Devices). Ahem. Well, she has decided she'd volunteer to go IA (Individual Augmentee for the NAVY for 6 months to a year) -this means she could be embedded with the Marines, Army, and Reservists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, etc... anywhere in the Middle East. I'm a little unnerved but I support her 100% and I wish her all the best in all she does. She deserves it. This will be good for promotions and taxfree combat pay etc.... Still, this mommy worries about her little girl.
Lizzy is still in Pensacola, FL at A-School. I am just extremely proud of her! I could never thank my lucky stars for giving me such a special, beautiful, most wonderful daughter! I love her with all my heart and soul.) She hasn't been home since November 4, 2007. I can't wait until she gets some leave time and gets to come home for a little bit before she's deployed.
Isaac, Kate and (the baby) Courtney had their family portait taken. I absolutely love it! I'll post it here later. Sweeeeet! Courtney had her first birthday in March. Happy B-day!!!
ENGAEMENT! My son, Isaac and Kate are engaged and have set the date for FEBRUARY 14, 2009. I'm so very, very happy!! I could not ask for a better daughter in law or granddaughter. I love them all with all my heart. Welcome to the family KATE and COURTNEY!
I belong to a bowling league: our team name is: "High Octane" and my husband belongs two bowling leagues. I enjoy it muchly. So far, we're in second place with 4-6 more weeks left of winter league -and then it is on to Summer League.
My brother in law, Rodney and sister in law, Terrie are on our bowling league this year. Our winter league name: TRIPLE BLACK PLUS COKE (Don't ask) Isaac finished out the season on our team while Rod and Ter were in TEXAS (they hate our winters here).
I'm a former movie reviewer, book reviewer, and author under my psuedo, Brutal Dreamer . (google if you dare)

My Interests

Reading, Writing, Riding Motorcycles, Coffee, Bookstores, CoffeeShops, Bowling, Grape Tootsie Pops, movies, and I lose myself when I am basking in the sunshine with a good book.

Your Theme Song is Beautiful Day by U2
"Sky falls, you feel like
It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away"

You see the beauty in life, especially in ordinary everyday moments.
And if you're feeling down, even that seems a little beautiful too. What's Your Theme Song?

I'd like to meet:

I shall use my own space to voice this opinon- although, I admire his work, truly am a large fan of his work ....Stephen King --I am not too thrilled with his latest blabber about the military -that disappointed me -although, I knew his view of our govt and military through his constant belittling of them in his work (in his works -if anything bad that happens, happened, it did so, from our USA govt or USA military -never any other country or other reasons...just ours and always their fault) I don't mind that in works of fiction and that's alright, hence why I was such a devoted fan of his and collected all his works in hardback and anything I could get my hands on at ebay.... that said, to tell people this jibberish and speak of the military as if they are 'dumb' ...pardon me all to hell, King, but I challenge you to take some tests with the military and see how you fare in comparison! Most in the military have high degrees of education! These are people dedicated to serving the likes of you with these Jane Fonda bullshit opinons -try speaking that bullshit in another country and see who fights for your freedom to speak so worthless and without thought! My daughter's GPA in school was a 3.9 -I hardly call her stupid and she's in the military -in fact, she's only 19 years old and was in school with others and scored FIRST IN NAVY with a 97.02 for the entire course. Final test she took she scored a perfect 100%. So be careful in what you say! I agree kids need to stay in school -that you were right on -how dare you say if they don't they end up in Iraq or the Army! What is up with that crap? I shudder at your ability to function on a daily basis.
DO NOT GET ME GOING ON THE JANE FONDA issue.... she should be tried and hung for what she did to our POWS ....fucking whore! She's no patriot and does not deserve to breath the air these people fought for. I will never forgive her! Our pow's deserved better than that -she was worse than the asswipes that took our men as prisoners.... I can't fathom how she sleeps at night! There, I've had my peace said.
-still, I was a fan of King's work because that was just his work... now to HEAR him say these things truly irritated me and I honestly am not too happy with a lot of HOLLYWOOD just now) Yeah, they can have an opinion and even voice it -but it is at their own peril if they do so and their fans do not agree with them... just as they have a 'right' to voice their opinion we have a 'right' to voice ours by not supporting their works or concerts or books or movies..... keep that mind HOLLYWOOD -you use your soundbox standium for your opinions -just remember we hear you and see you and we will likewise use it to what we wish as well.... King, I was appauled watching and hearing those words actually come out of your mouth! Shame on you!
ZAKK WYLDE -woot!woot!
and when I die ...Edgar Allen Poe --but I'll probably have to go to HELL to do that after knowing his life. *heebies*
Anyone and Everyone ...except for evil people.
My favorite quotes are:
Crazier than a shithouse rat -Stephen King
I blush, I burn, I shudder, while I pen the damnable atrocity. ... --The Black Cat, Edgar Allen Poe
Life's a Bitch and She's Back in Heat --They Live
I'm gonna get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames! -Jim Morrison, THE DOORS
I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew --Talladega Nights




Favorite Movies: RAMBO (the new one) MASTER AND COMMANDER, Alien vs. Predator 2, 1408, GHOSTRIDER, Batman, Spiderman, Apocalypto WRONG TURN 1 & 2,LotR, Planet of the Apes, TMNT, The Stand, The Langoliers, Carrie, SAW, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Wizard of Oz, (all Disney movies), Dracula, From Dust Till Dawn, Fast and the Furious, Troy, Predator, Commando, Black Hawk Down, Fast and the Furious, The Patriot, Slaughter House Five, Star Trek, Star Wars, Minority Report, X-Men, Behind Enemy Lines, Armageddon, and any really bad B-HORROR movies




My favorite authors: Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe , Leo Tolstoy, Frank Baum, Charles Dickens, Alfred Hitchcock, Douglas Adams , Clive Barker, ZALAZNY, Kurt Vonnegut , Piers Anthony, Raold Dahl, R.L. Stine, H.G. Wells, POPPY Z. BRITE, C. S. Lewis, Jack London, and Charles Schulz.


My best friend: my husband! He's always been there for me and the only person that has truly believed in me. He's done more than what is humanly possible and keeps going just me. I can't fathom what my life would have been like with out him. He's truly my greatest hero as are my kids!! Isaac and my NAVY daughter, Lizzy. THANK YOU FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY, Miss Lizzy!
Lizzy will always be my hero -she's stronger than anyone I have ever met and endured more than I ever could have. Lizzy baby -you're my hero!

My Blog


Bravo Zulu, to Lizzy!!  Elizabeth will be graduating in Pensacola, Florida-  tomorrow, June 18, 2008 from her A-School for the NAVY.  I'm extremely proud of my daughter and best friend...
Posted by Pegs on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:16:00 PST


I've made no secret of my adoration of my son, Isaac's girlfriend, Kate and her baby girl, Courtney.  I've already welcomed them in to our hearts and lives.  They are the best things th...
Posted by Pegs on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:08:00 PST

Passage of time ....anchors aweigh

  Elizabeth Shumate's status and journey (thus far) since she left in 05 November 2007 for Boot Camp. The picture of our little girl -who had never spent more than one night away from home to su...
Posted by Pegs on Tue, 27 May 2008 07:53:00 PST

I’m the luckiest Mommy in the world....

Although both of wonderful children (Isaac and Elizabeth) are no longer living at home and have lives of their own -they never forget us.  I got to visit with my little Sailor, Lizzy several time...
Posted by Pegs on Tue, 13 May 2008 09:05:00 PST

My condolences to my neice and her family

I'm so sorry to say that my neice Raven and her hubby Alex are going through a tragic time in the aftermath of the tornadoes... I am to hear about his loss.  We were hit in MO...
Posted by Pegs on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:58:00 PST

sup dudes and dudettes....

Let's see -what's been going on since I was here last. Hell, when I was actually here last? I've been so pre-occupied and busy & My sweet sailor - Lizzy is in Pensacola, Florida. She has FINALLY star...
Posted by Pegs on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:23:00 PST

lizzy graduated ATT school....

March 3, 2008 -Lizzy graduated ATT school in Great Lakes, IL.  She received her orders on March 17, 2008... She will leave Thursday Morning for Pensacola, FL for her A school.  BRAVO ZULU, L...
Posted by Pegs on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:24:00 PST

ANCHORS AWEIGH - pics and flag image

DESIRE CREATES THE POWER design and painted by SR, S, ELIZABETH, M. for Graduation Day at the RTC (RECRUIT TRAINING CENTER) in Great Lakes, IL. My daughter, Lizzy, had the honor of creating the DIVIS...
Posted by Pegs on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 07:12:00 PST


ANCHORS AWEIGH!!! (Away) .....I HAVE AN OFFICIAL US NAVY SAILOR! WAY TO GO, LIZZY!! Lizzy is of the first graduating class of 2008!Well, the news is in -it's official -as of 9:00AM this morning, Janua...
Posted by Pegs on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:49:00 PST

My Christmas Wish granted ...Saw my SEA GODDESS and....

Talk about getting what you wish for at Christmas --I truly got what I wished for: I spent Christmas with my sweet, beautiful Sea Goddess, Lizzy. We arrived at Great Lakes, Il December, 24th -Christm...
Posted by Pegs on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 04:23:00 PST