Temporary Bio:
(full page coming soon with all new music)
The Mastermind is a priceless asset to the music industry. As a musician, he records his albums solo playing the guitar, drums, bass, keys and singing. His all original music is different from the "run of the mill" band styles of today (may of which are getting worse every year). The movement. Quality music, having a great time, and uniting the world behind the underground lifestyle of California's youth. Inspired by the so called "Surburban Life" to incorporate many genres of rock, hip hop, blues, jazz, metal, and funk - The Mastermind's style stretches far beyond what one song may sound like.
His live band consists of some of the best of friends in his life who are willing to back him up on stage - these are very talented musicians who each have their own solo careers and are produced by The Mastermind. Trough his own production company, he produces his own albums, mixes and masters them as well as doing the same for each member in his group when they need an album written and recorded for their solo careers.
His knowledge of graphic design, marketing, music theory, the music industry, and networking abilities allow him to do more than many of the other professionals out today - to whom he gives great credit for inspiring his work. His influences range from modern rock to hip hop, even metal back to the blues of the early 1900s. He gives much credit to artists such as The Red Hot Chili Peppers, KMK, Hoobastank, Nickelback, Metallica, Godsmack, Slayer, Van Morrison, Steve Vai, Satriani, Daft Punk, The Chemical Brothers, Kraftwerk, Dream Theater, LB, the early work of LP, Deftones, Korn, and many more for helping to shape and invent some of the best combinations of sounds to invent their own unique styles which he now has changed into a unique blend of his own music, additionally to Gill Scott Harron and the others for bringing the blues and world music to the forefront of the civil rights movement which inspired much of the rock n' roll today. He gives great credit to his friends for sharing different genres of music with him as he does for them for constant and never ending inspiration. His ideas to bring about change in the music industry in order to being renewable energy and energy efficient events are only a small set of goals he has for the future. As for now he is in the middle of writing and recording his first solo record - one of many he has done but the first without the band members - which is turning out to be his best work. Additionally he has many more projects in the works including scoring and mixing an independent film and opening 3 new sections to his production company.
The Mastermind is seeking a record label and endorsements for the up and coming live events (dates not posted/booked yet - will be booked in late summer 2008 as he is training the live members now as he finishes writing and recording his first solo effort after 8 years of performing in and out of bands and 15 years of music experience). If you are interested, write him here or at his management (MMP - the first in his top friends). Ask for the email or contact him via myspace message).
His experience in the Adobe Design Suite CS3 Premium (© Adobe), and DigiDesign's Pro Tools LE/HD (by Avid), Propellerhead's Reason, and outboard gear as well as his talens as a musician and writer make him invaluable to the music and design industries. With 15 years of learning and 10 years professional experience (since the age of 10 working, age of 4 learning) The Mastermind will not be soon forgotten. Stay tuned for the all new bio, layout, and web sites dedicated to his live group members, new music, and more unannounced features!! Check back soon!
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