Cathy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts I am a mother of 4. I have 10 grandchildren, 7 boys and 3 girls. I am married to my best friend and soil mate Jim. My relationship with The Lord is the best thing in my life. May husband and children are the apples of my eye.There children are the blossoms that bring joy into everything. I live in a small town with a very large family all around me. I am an up beet person that sees the glass as half full.I enjoy people and believe strangers are just friends I have not met yet.I enjoy sharing the word of God with others.I came to my space to open doors to my friends and family that live away and maybe make some new friends. Blogs - Randy Pausch ~ Last Lecture - *~Nikki~* MySpace Blog

this is such a powerful story you have to watch. I could change your life.

My Interests

walking in the light of my Lord and Savior.gardening ,crafts and spending time with my family and lets not forget cooking

I'd like to meet:

Jesus face to face and I will when He calls me home


Christian and country


Not scary !


CSI, Star Trac, and Ghost Whispers


Jerry B Jenkins& Tim Lahay The Left Behind seriers is something I would tell everyone to read, The Bible,Tom Kraeuter


My Lord first.As it is written put nothing before Him .Then Dad and Mom.They were people that went throw many hard times and came through in the end without bitterness and a love of God that they shared with there children.My Lord, He went to the cross for my sins and yours.He loved me first and He loves me the best. Thar is no love that compares to His.

My Blog

A week of revival

  This past week I have been going to revival . we have had the Petit Family here and we have been praying and fasting for God to call His Children and bless and heal along with save . I Have bee...
Posted by Cathy on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:35:00 PST

Today May 8th, counting my blessings

As I sit and think of all that I have ,my husband ,my children my sisters my brother the exstended family I got when Jim and I were married.This very house I sit in was a gift from my Father in h...
Posted by Cathy on Wed, 09 May 2007 04:37:00 PST

Check out this video: Drifting

Drifting Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Cathy on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 10:32:00 PST

Praise God

This Morning the sun is shineing and the temps are going into 60's .what a wonderful week-end God is blessing us with.The birds are out and singing .This morning feels so peaceful.I wish all my friend...
Posted by Cathy on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 05:35:00 PST

today ,tomorrow ,and always

the weather is nasty but it is warm in the house. Spring is right around the corner and todays snow will only be a memory. May we always look at things in this way.Every Garden needs  s...
Posted by Cathy on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:35:00 PST