Profile courtesy of MySpace Layouts I am a mother of 4. I have 10 grandchildren, 7 boys and 3 girls. I am married to my best friend and soil mate Jim. My relationship with The Lord is the best thing in my life. May husband and children are the apples of my eye.There children are the blossoms that bring joy into everything. I live in a small town with a very large family all around me. I am an up beet person that sees the glass as half full.I enjoy people and believe strangers are just friends I have not met yet.I enjoy sharing the word of God with others.I came to my space to open doors to my friends and family that live away and maybe make some new friends. Blogs - Randy Pausch ~ Last Lecture - *~Nikki~* MySpace Blog
this is such a powerful story you have to watch. I could change your life.