For fun I like to go camping, I brew my own beer, mead, cider or whatever else I concoct. I like to do things with all my friends as much as possible, like bowling, snowboarding, dancing, clubbing, playing poker or anything else that happens to be going on. I have DJed goth/industrial music in the past and still get to do it occasionally, something I am very fond of. I like to learn crafts also, like woodcarving, carpentry, painting, even some of the more pansy things like decorating and sewing I wanted to learn, mostly so I wouldn't have to ask other people for help with the weird stuff I wanted to make. That's always been useful though, to know how to do things you know?
Goth, Industrial, Fetish, Danse, Electro, Synth pop, classical, trance. Specific bands I enjoy are Snog, Apoptygma Berzerk, Wolfsheim, VNV Nation, Beborn Beton, Fictional, :Wumpscut:, Haujobb, Cleen, Assemblage 23, And One, Rob Dougan, Bach, Reverand Horton Heat, Harry Connick Jr., Paco DeLucia. Really, the list is far, far too long to put to paper.
Princess Bride, Matrix, LotR, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Star Wars, comedy, action
Extreme Elimination Challenge, Monster House, Trading Spaces, Queer Eye, South Park, Simpsons, Family Guy, Star Trek
Gödel, Escher, Bach - an Eternal Golden Braid, Cryptonomicon, funny books, fantasy, sci-fi
My heroes tend to be my friends. They all have something in them that I admire and would like to improve in myself. Adam for his sense of economics and work ethics. Mick for his propensity for staying young in life and doing the things he wants to do no matter what anyone else thinks. Jordan for always staying positive and being a manly man. Brian for letting go and not giving a crap about everything all the time. These are my heroes.