Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter profile picture

Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Someday I'm going to drop a bomb on this world. A contraceptive bomb.

My Interests

STEEL RESERVE, She wants revenge, Sephiroth, slow children, Soul swapping, self destruction, sex, Seeing and not believing, Sewer dwelling crime fighters, salutations without greetings, swordery, sultry singers, santa, santa clara, stylish pornography, snowboarding, super scooters, showboating, sirens, sexpots, selling points, sealing wax, sellswords, Shooteezgroove, Sugar, weapons, materia, kickboxing, adventure, evil, beligerence and debauchery, history, persecution complexes, getting rich off nothing, Getting a new 1911, cute girls, cute girls with weapons and persucution complexes, becoming a force of pure negative karma, ripping what i sew, becoming a total prick.

I'd like to meet:



Darrel Monti once described music I like as such: Crass, abrasive shit that people probably use as pump up soundtracks to slaughter their own pets. Onyx, The Remus Lupins, Hank williams Jr&Sr, Mindless Self Indulgence, Atari teenage Riot, The Viennagram, Hatebreed, The Bouncing Soles, Waylon Jennings, GG Allin, the Greatful Dead, Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Biohazard, Cocksparrer, The Murder Junkies, BB King, Madball, old school Beastie Boys, Old school Skrewdriver, Digital Hardcore, MurderDolls, Hatebreed, Carl Crack, Converge, the Sean O'Malley band, Boston, Pantera, Willie Nelson, Bob Wills, Blood for Blood, Caninus, Warzone, Dobby & The House Elves, Draco and the Malfoys, Talking Heads, Subhumanz, Slayer, Johnny Cash, George Jones, a kind of music that we call western swing, Billy Joe Shaver, WizardRock, The Fucking Champs, Dropkick Murphy's, Guns and Roses, Robert Earl Keen, Roger Alan Wade, Merle Haggard, The Offspring, Eddie Shaver, The Charlie Daniels Band. Fuck modern country, Skarhead, icepick, Converge, Agnostic Front, Danzig. Oh and Turbonegro. Or as


My 3 favorite movies of all time: True Romance, Die Hard and The Deer Hunter. Shaolin Master Killer, V for Vendetta, Gigli, Kill Bill, Die hard, Rambo II, anything with Chuck Norris, Conan the destroyer, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Ultraviolet, Deathwish, Van Damme movies, especially that one where wilferd Brimley was Van Damme's cajun uncle and he was being hunted for sport that movie was hardup, Man on Fire, The Octagon, Dawn of the Dead, Terror on 105


Every Law and Order except criminal Intent, including: Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU Law and Order: Order Time, LAw and Order: Meter Maids, Law and Order: Ouch Patrol, Law and Order: Criminal Children, Law and Order: Don't Rape People, and of course Law and Order: DRUGS


I don't read books, I stare them down until I get the information I want. Surviving a Street Knife Fight, Surviving a Street Gun Fight, Physical and Mental Endurance, JRR Tolkien; The great shark hunt; Armor; The Divine Comedy; A Song of Ice and Fire; nothing by charles dickens because his writing style sucks and his plots are obvious, naysayers can go to hell; A Complete history of the Hundred Years war; The Beach; Harry Potter;Dear Mom; Forrest Gump; IT; Wheel of Time; Beowulf; Without Remorse; The Electric Koolaid Acid Test; On the Road; Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a great way to spend several thousand pages of your life; The Rise and Fall of the Iron Curtain.


Ruth Gross, Raybeez, Charles Bronson, Cory Grant, Charles Barkley, Neal Cassidy, Roy Benevidez, Rebecca Sealfon, Bob Wills, GG Allin, Rob Stark, Bruce Campbell, Frank Castle, Alex Elder. Whoever painted this-----

My Blog


I'm taking a course on the abrahamic religions. Here are some of my favorite passages from all 3. But first a prologue. Many will say that these are outdated passages of these religious texts tha...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 05:36:00 PST

A religious war to (literally) end all religious wars. is this awesome? y/n

Alright religions of earth, I'm sick of your shit. I mean seriously, why can't you dicks play nice together? You've got alot in common: Scared of science, cute little outdated sense of morality ...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 05:18:00 PST

OK Comedy Central, the time is right to fight!

For those who never saw a previous (and massively superior) Cory Grant myspace blog titled "Carlos Mencia and Black/White, it's like exlax...for your MIND" I fucking hate carlos mencia. If you co...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:36:00 PST

I've recieved 4 death threats over a blog

Which blog was it you may ask? was it A) Teen girls pissed at my stance on survey's? B) Warlords pissed off at Real World: Sudan? C) Juggalos pissed off at the tactful and sensitive way i handled the...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST

Ok, The Sox aren't making it to the playoffs, we need a new excuse to riot.

"I can't stand the peace and quiet, All I want is to have a running riot!" "Running Riot" -CockSparrer- I'm looking for a good ol' fashioned riot. The kind we used to have in 2004. With like,  ...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 12:16:00 PST

A survey that could make Al Gore look funny!

1) Whats the weirdest animal youve met in person? I got to pet a liger and a titi at king richards fair. They were not good conversationalists however, always talking about how they're parents didn't ...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 11:51:00 PST

Real World: Sudan

Seriously, I would watch that show. Think how badass that show would be. We'd get like 5 Harlem/SouthCentral LA/Atlanta/Detroit/DC area gangbangers of mixed ethnic and gang backgrounds and 5 club/mys...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:26:00 PST


Sorry about the title. I was listening to that madball song, Ready to Fight. I wish i could name my badass rap song that. but whatev. I'll think of something. I just wrote my first rap... Ridiculous? ...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:28:00 PST

Want to stop being friends with me? Use talking smile icons.

If there is a form of Sexually Transmitted Disease that's more painful and irritating than talking smileys I hope i never get it. Some girl I used to mildly crush on back in the day IMed me out of the...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 12:29:00 PST

If you are friends with Jake Robida, of Puzzles fame, you should read this.

 I was all like, "yeah juggalos, i probably shouldn't waste my time writing about them. We all know they're wicked gay. It's not like there's anything I could bring to the attention ...
Posted by Cory Grant: Dinosaur Hunter on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 06:27:00 PST