\m/ Rudy-the-shredd \m/ profile picture

\m/ Rudy-the-shredd \m/

I despises whomsoever envies me,thus they proved how pathetic they are

About Me

You Are 40% Sociopath
From time to time, you may be a bit troubled and a bit too charming for your own good.
It's likely that you're not a sociopath... just quite smart and a bit out of the mainstream! Are You A Sociopath?

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My Interests

books,movie(horror,thriller,sadistic,gore),all about guitar(experimental,modification,terminology),traditional indonesian food(damn!!fast food suck!)

I'd like to meet:


Shot at 2007-07-15 Pimp My Profile
Shot at 2007-07-21 Pimp My Profile


Shot at 2007-07-21 Pimp My Profile


font-weight: ; ; text-decoration: ; ; font-style: ; ; text-decoration: ; "
Shot at 2007-07-14
Shot at 2007-07-14


stephen kings book,guitar magazine,ahmed deedats book


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