Tattoos, Tattoo-Guns, Drawing,
Waves, the Sea and Music & dancing "Sevillana" on
the (Feria of course)
more of Myself- Tattooded People and Artists- Lara Croft-Pamela Anderson- Borat- Madagasgar and the rest of the world (poco a poco;-)
Crank, Die Rotkäppchenverschwörung, Queen of the damned, El Dia de la Bestia, Amor de Perros, Ruby + Quentin, House of 1000 Corps, Silent hill
Art Books, Comics, The Vamp
..are the Tattoo-Artists that coloured my body!!!FIDE (Fuer immer, Berlin-Germany) ANNE (Chili Tattoo, Tarifa-Spain) KAULE (Dresden-Germany) Artcore13 (Ostzone, Berlin-Germany) HOCK (Rabentattoo, Schwedt-Germany) SPENCER (on the road) JAN (Fuer immer, Berlin-Germany) NICLAS (Black Magic, Karlshamn-Sweden) KILLIAN (Eisenhuettenstadt-Germany) MARKO(Markonegno-italy)